Joe Teng
{K:16723} 5/7/2006
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 1/30/2006
Dear John, Hope you are well. This photo appears on the very first page of Usefilm photos selected by "top rated;" 22nd out of 22,349. It therefore rates as a community favourite even if it didn't attract any kind of award when it first went up. Thought you might be encourged! (One of my B&W's is third in that section!!)
xy x
{K:41915} 9/26/2003
divine image, excellent idea, everything is in balance, perfect job, congratulations
Adrian Royle
{K:715} 9/26/2003
Lovely work, probably much more interesting than the real thing.
Diomar Pozzo
{K:597} 9/26/2003
Maravilhosa. Uma das fotos mais lindas que já ví.
Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 9/26/2003
excellent photo... colors are great
M Lopez
{K:288} 9/26/2003
Carla Pires
{K:10713} 9/26/2003
Nice perspective. Great eye. Excellent colors sky. Congrats! :)