This was the first shot I took of the skaters on the south bank, I was really getting things set up and doing some testers to get my settings right. I tried this at about 1/60 before getting a bit slower to blur the action and give more of a sense of speed. The result in this first shot froze the subject a little too well under the heavy flash and the result is a bit surreal, it looks like he's been shot in the studion, cut out (badly!) and stuck onto a totally different background. I'm not sure if the effect is just too odd or if this actually looks cool. Answers on a postcard (or a comment here would do!).
Odd isn't it? To be hounest if I had pasted him in I'd have done a more convincing job than this! I can't work out if it looks different enough to be an interesting efffect or just too artificial (probably the latter). I only posted it because I really value everyone's opinion who posts on UF.
The biggest reason I can see that it looks like he's been cut on and pasted in there with photoshop.. is the shadows on the righthand side of him. Just like the dropshadow in photoshop. Interesting turnout.. It does look like it was just pasted in.