Egidija Smilingiene
{K:3227} 1/7/2004
karen, thanks God you are not that kind person i was talking before...thank you.
karen barnett
{K:4237} 1/6/2004
Engidija, I understand the issues you express. But I can assure you, this woman would be doing what she is doing whether I was there to take her picture or not. Her begging is a calling for her.. for her church. She is proud to be performing this task. And I certainly was careful to maintain her dignity, and let her see the picture I took, and ASKED her permission and approval to keep the picture. I also made a serious donation to her church, as well as to her personally for that momentary slice of time that I preserved and brought home with me. I consider it a gift, and a privilege.. not only to have taken the picture, but to have met, conversed and appreciated this individual.
As to my concentration on the technical aspect of this photo... it was posted in the "help" division.
Thank you for your post. I appreciate all comments and respect the opinions of all.
Egidija Smilingiene
{K:3227} 1/6/2004
i don't like photos of beggers. everytime I see it, I think photograher who was making such pics wants only to shock others and are only exploiters of these poor people "look, how I care about them, i am so good, i am so beneficent". but do their help to feel them a little bit better? what is the point of such pictures? and you in "about" are caring only about technics?! i need to think more deeply.
Shiv Kumar Surya
{K:17362} 12/6/2003
Excellent shot and great perspective. Thanks for comments on 'union is strenth'. Regards.
Paolo Barthelemy
{K:25552} 11/24/2003
Excellent portrait with perfect lighting. I like the contrast between the huge door and the woman. Beautiful detail too. Best regards, Paolo
P.S. Many thanks for your complete and useful comment.
Jim McNitt
{K:11246} 11/2/2003
Hello Karen:
"YUK! I am considering going back to pure film... digital makes too many decisions on it's own. Can I be helped?"
You could be helped a great deal by a digital SLR such as the Canon EOS10D (http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/canoneos10d/) or the Nikon 100D (http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/specs/Nikon/nikon_d100.asp). Neither is inexpensive, but both provide all the familiar manual controls of a their film SLR predecessors. Plus, you have the incomparable advantage of instant feedback to see whether or not your settings, composition and concepts are working.
Thanks for your very kind and flattering comments on my portfolio. I'm well aware that my work is not for everyone -- far from it. Your appreciative reaction not only made my day, but probably my whole week. If you want some further conversations on the merits of a good digital SLR -- obviously, I'm a true believer -- just attach your question to my most recent upload. I'd be happy to help, or at least add to your informed confusion.
Best, Jim
peta jones
{K:12615} 10/17/2003
Hi Karen I feel the upper and lower portions should still be in this wonderful image. Love the details of the door and her reflection in the tile. Very well seen image. I played with it in PS a little more and hope you like the results. Maybe a little warmer than you actually saw, maybe not. I also tried to bring up the detail in the dark area, and corrected the slight tilt.
On cameras...I love my digital, I would never return to film...upgrade to one that has manual settings and I think you will be more satisfied with the end results.
Mark Stein
{K:6210} 10/17/2003
Personally I like it, even the dark area, although I think if she had a little more room in front of her eyes the composition would be just a bit stronger? Even the details of the netting near the top come through nicely. As for digital, I had a Nikon 5700 and was frustrated as well at how difficult it was just to do some manual adjustments so today my new Canon 10D arives...I think I'll be much happier. Good luck to you! Mark
Raymund Macaalay
{K:7218} 10/17/2003
Hey retain your digital cam or perhaps upgrade it to a better one, For me digital is better because you can see your shots before you take it, yup your right there are many decisions to make beacause there are lots of different setting but still you can also see these settings in Traditional SLR's. The shot was nice if the wall on the left was not there and instead a different object that lets you see through what was on the other side, the composition was great the lighting was great, just try once more, theres no harm specially when you have a digital and no film to think about best regards Karen!
Tomo Radovanovic
{K:12788} 10/17/2003
beautiful image excellent capture regards
cecilia tovini
{K:29423} 10/16/2003
Bellissima. La contrapposizione fra la grande porta e la piccola donna č la cosa che colpisce di pił. All'inizio pensavo se non sarebbe stata bella anche un po' pił ritagliata per fare cadere subito lo sguardo sulla donna ma alla fine penso che il bello della foto stia proprio nella grande differenza dei due soggetti principali. Brava Cecilia
Giorgio Cardoni
{K:2191} 10/16/2003
molto bella e commovente ! avrei tagliato a destra la figura umana .saluti G
melik iscan
{K:907} 10/16/2003
nice shot ,best regards
In Transit
{K:29432} 10/16/2003
In Transit
{K:29432} 10/16/2003
This soooo much reminds me of my days in Latin America...
That I saw a Young Lady...
In Need...
The idea is good...
And although I do not RTMF !
Here are some fiddles...
Amancio Couto
{K:15720} 10/16/2003
Amancio Couto
{K:15720} 10/16/2003
EXCELLENT Shot!...congrats Karen!