I was in Kennington covering the eviction of london's biggest squat (a whole street). Having a preconcieved idea about squaters I was surprised to find them a very pleasant bunch and very house proud with it. Ironic, that they had created a really good community whilst across the park was this jungle of towerblocks built by Lambeth council in a failed atttempt to recreate a similair effect.
Mark, these are the tower blocks to which Andrew refers. The term "model city" and council estate would rarely be used in the same sentence! Although I agree that with the sun star and shadows it does generate a contradictory mood. It just needs a few bi-planes buzzing around to create a real Fritz Lang effect... I might be wrong but can't imagine the Brandon Estate (this is possibly a view from St Agnes Place?) is any nicer an environment than the many around Hackney, where I used to live.
I like how the sun is shining through that open window. We would've had no idea it was overrun by squatters. It looks like a model city. It's wonderful how the shaded areas are holding so well, while the high portions maintain. And to top it all off, the perceived atmosphere is quite pleasant.