Kristina Kohut
{K:49990} 11/9/2003
Hahaha thanks for the laugh of today! This is such a funny and also kind of cute shot! I didn't see the phone either at first, but now I feel really stupid that I missed it!
Christian Wettergren
{K:1333} 11/7/2003
Hi Ulf, nice to offer YOU a puzzle for once, not the other way around! :) Don't you see his small phone? He's messing back'n'forth, obviously?
Tjing! -Christian
Ulf Fågelhammar
{K:10975} 11/6/2003
I was wrong of course It isn?t a piece of tape I have read the paper now and found only bad news so why that smile? Was it Henrik Larssons goal?
Ulf Fågelhammar
{K:10975} 11/6/2003
Finurlig bild! The man is not smiling about the headline "Stockholm healthcare in crisis" and I don?t think he is reading about the plastic surgery(?) that the frontpage image shows Why is he smiling? I have to get hold of that newspaper, since I am so curious. You apparently shot this through a window inside a commuter train I really like that piece of tape, a detail that wakes up slumbering braincells. Take care out there
Katia Cutrone
{K:12940} 11/6/2003
"globalisation of the world": the same journal with exactely the same title even in Rome. But the persons here are not so smailing at morning.
good shot.
{K:26787} 11/6/2003
Excellent subway shot!