Bob Helvey
{K:619} 1/15/2004
Awesome, fun shot
Konstantin Yudintsev
{K:3253} 11/17/2003
Excellent catch! I heard rumors 10D has a little too soft a focus. I can clearly see that now.
I like it a lot, regardless!
Robson Zumkeller Campos
{K:4071} 11/17/2003
Funny and great shot!!! :)
Nicola Vassallo
{K:9801} 11/17/2003
oh mamma mia!!!
Jani Salvataggio
{K:27283} 11/17/2003
great shot!!!! very good work!!
Dan Arthur
{K:4280} 11/9/2003
Thanks for the comments and review. Here's the scoop... During a recent Karate class, the instructors decided to have some fun with the very young kids. Of course, there was a great deal of effort involved for both the studends and instructors. Would have loved to have gotten a better "angle", but the "angle" I did get was perfect. Although I wish I had been been prepared that this was going to happen, I had a GREAT time taking these photos! My hat is off to the instructor - because they have some excited kids that will stay with Karate FOREVER!
Regards, Dan
{K:17069} 11/8/2003
That's gonna hurt like a mother!!!!!!!
ppdix says 6*******
E.J. Billy Kim
{K:745} 11/8/2003
judging from the position of the hands...angle's are wrong...to through someone off balance and flip him over the shoulder(this clearly is not over the shoulder angle) one would aquire a firm grip, at least one hand after he has fliped him over his shoulder...which I don't see and the angle of the right and left arm and the hand of the boy. I think angle would suggest the boy is in a judo class and he's looking directly at his opponent and grabing the other guys "do-boak" or his jacket...and the big guy was pasted in, the boy is looking at no where... Nice though, made me click and analyze the shot.
and please correct me if I'm wrong.
Roderik Koenders
{K:2740} 11/8/2003
Excellent shot. The child's face is a bit out of focus.
{K:23} 11/8/2003
is this aikido? uke looks like falling bad, or bad ukemi... by the way, great shot...
Elena Zabelina
{K:23212} 11/8/2003
Excellent! Fantastic shoot. Is it real situation or not? Looks like humor. My best regards, Elena