Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 11/30/2004
I remember your beautifulness! but a new photo... whenn.. roby
Kelly C
{K:1358} 11/1/2004
Hello-- Yeah, I'm still here, though I haven't been shooting much digital lately, and I'm too lazy to scan and upload 35mm pics. I'll get on it, though. You've got some beautiful recent uploads; I'm off to post rave reviews-- Kelly
Marcel Laurens
{K:3654} 6/29/2004
u still taking pictures??
Jonathan Wollin
{K:958} 3/19/2004
Kelly one make one photogenic model here. But a I think a tripod would help alot with your next self-pic and I see your in the bath room... hhhhmmmm :) A beautiful model like yourself needs something more on your level of beauty than whatz behind you :)
Jorge Vasconcelos
{K:33746} 2/22/2004
I like your idea,you look cute.I thought to have a short discussion with you ,about blur,but forget it,you may be right,I was not going to the minute details,because the subject was more important.It was a very normal and polite conversation,tourists ask an indication, not were asked to show papers ,as it still is normal in many "democracies". No, no intention, they just were tall. Regards and hope you end your paint job and get a job. Regards jorge
Gino Quattrocchi
{K:39580} 1/22/2004
Kelly ci regali la tua immagine !!!ora so che sei bella :-P e ti bacio e ti mordo il bel viso e.. vado a gustarmi il tuo portfolio ciao Gino
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 12/30/2003
in my freind.list bye
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 12/30/2003
magnific pose... and model! perfect my congrats roby
thanks for all...
Ken Williams
{K:862} 12/28/2003
Nice ....... !
Caprice Duvent
{K:3998} 12/19/2003
nice to meet you :-) very nice self-portrait shot ! Regards Caprice
Marcel Laurens
{K:3654} 12/15/2003
great pic! like the angle and colors... i think i'd crop the left a little...
Robert Walls
{K:1728} 12/14/2003
Painting is very theraputic Kelly, but don't do anything to the bathroom, it's got character. So how do you buy a house without a job?
Great picture. Rob.
Kelly C
{K:1358} 12/13/2003
Thanks for the great comments, everyone. I've actually gotten fairly adept at the image-in-the-mirror selfportrait, since I hate having other people photograph me. I think I took about 2 of this one, and the other was a bit too shaky as the shutter was pretty slow. As for the white balance, I screwed up-- I meant I had it set to flourescent, not tungsten, which, as you noticed, is indeed the same thing as incandescent. But I messed with the levels in PS anyway so I doubt it made much of a difference in the end. And thank god I got out of the grandparent bandwagon due to time constraints and my rather limited patience reserves, and now it's my aunt's problem. So I have to change the bio now.
I think you're very pretty, too, Dan.
daniel mccain
{K:924} 12/13/2003
you're beautful.
Tomo Radovanovic
{K:12788} 12/13/2003
nice to meet you
Andreas .
{K:170} 12/13/2003
Cool! How many attempts?? Best regards Andreas
John Bijl
{K:564} 12/13/2003
Hi Kelly, very nice picture of yourself! I really like it!
Brendon Cordero
{K:3524} 12/13/2003
Now, this is totally different and so cool.
jon parsons
{K:13639} 12/12/2003
Kelly, this is a very nice piece of work..beautiful! great job....jon
Julien Reveillon
{K:87} 12/12/2003
I like your glance on this picture. It seems you know what you want and I wouldn't be the guy to disagree with you... (don't take me wrong, I think it is a quality). I like the your humour as well and your "Mate questionaire" on your site should be a reference very soon.
Frank Li
{K:2103} 12/12/2003
Oh what fun photographers have with mirrors :) A great self portrait!
Stefan Engström
{K:24473} 12/12/2003
Well I like it, humor helps too :-) What is the difference between incandescent and tungsten white balance. I thought they were basically the same thing.
Luke C
{K:2105} 12/12/2003
Kelly, For aiming at the mirror...I'd say that's an excellent photo. I hope you don't mind me saying...but you have quite pretty eyes! Saw your bio...hope your grandparents didn't drive you crazy haha. Regards, ~Luke
Bill Ford
{K:101} 12/12/2003
like the way you got the look and feel on this picture.
Roy V
{K:13082} 12/12/2003
Kelly, Nice to see you! ?Your right, the camera strap does defiantly add something? Good Work, Roy
RC. Dany
{K:64104} 12/12/2003
Good Excellent __ congrats anne....
{K:12204} 12/12/2003
Liked your bio, think you've a great sense of humour, and tricky grandparents. Regards.