Natalie Papadopoulos
{K:5247} 12/15/2003
gorgeous lighting and great natural shot Roger. Thanks for your work on my portrait. I will take your advice as I may want to submit it for use in an ad.. thank you so much - i really appreciate it. Have a wonderful Christmas..
Mike Ombrello
{K:4878} 12/15/2003
Roger, surely you jest! It has been an interesting presentation of the bikers. Your B&W added a different tone to the images. I too am wondering if you got their permission before taking their pictures, or did you just do it on the QT? I have enjoyed them. Thanks, Mike
Cherie Spike
{K:-21959} 12/15/2003
Heehee Roger dared again... nice tones and effects here, and very cool image! Cherie
{K:30945} 12/15/2003
Great atmosphere more accentuated in B&W. lovely. Thank you dear Roger. a kiss back to you, Biliana
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 12/14/2003
From this shot they look a pretty happy lot. The best of the bunch in this series was surely "biker girls." This one is a wee bit too dark and soft focus for my taste. Nice atmosphere, though.
Roy V
{K:13082} 12/14/2003
Roger, Great photo! "Interesting, excellent framing and tones" Roy
Richard Marriner
{K:6657} 12/14/2003
Well done again. I use the old "shortended neck strap with remote cable running through my shirt into my pocket trick" for getting type of shot... ;-)
Paul Ragone
{K:1331} 12/14/2003
This is my most favorite of your biker shots. Very cool image.
Hakan Aker
{K:14146} 12/14/2003
Another good one...this one has a diffeent toning?Hey Im also curious,did you ask their permission to take these shots .
. .
{K:16329} 12/14/2003
They let you use your laptop in the hospital. See! .....you didn't need all those extra fingers for typing. Great shot and interesting subject, Roger!!
ps you buy that WD40 by the case?
Harald Felgentreu
{K:2096} 12/14/2003
hi roger a cool bw shot !! regards harald