Dave Arnold
{K:55680} 2/19/2007
Ahh, yes, Gayle. Old buildings are fun... and it's what I like most about the west, they are so plentiful.
This looks great in B&W, haunted looking if you ask me. I like the selctive area you used instead of a whole building shot.
Best to you, Dave
The Pilgrim
{K:65007} 10/21/2005
This is a great compistion Gayle. I like the exposure and Im sure it was set right on for the mood you had when taking the shot. Thank you for sharing this photo Gayle.
Your Friend Paul
Dale Hardman
{K:394} 2/20/2004
This shot reminds me of all the ghost stories our father used to tell us before going to sleep, especially the ones about where he grew up in North Georgia, near Greshamville. When we finally got to go see the area,the house he spoke of was just like this one, near a "crik" and with Cherokee and Creek Indian arrowheads buried nearby.I remember feeling haunted inside as we entered the house which even though it was day seemed like your photo above,set in a pitch dark sky (perhaps the tall pines and great oaks that covered the place since it was surrounded by the Oconee National Forest with Indian Burial Mounds nearby)and lit only by moonlight. Your photo brings back all those haunted and mysterious times of our growing up storied with tales from our youth.
Bright Moments, Dale
{K:4149} 2/17/2004
Excelent effect and sky color. Regards.
David Antoff
{K:995} 1/22/2004
Gayle, I love shots that have a mood to them and this one certainly does. Keep up the good work. Dave
Ulf Fågelhammar
{K:10975} 1/8/2004
Hi Gayle The only tip I could give is: Look at images, get inspired. Inspire others! This is just great to look at Great handling of the geometry and very poetic /U
Stefan Engström
{K:24473} 1/8/2004
First off - this shot has a great mood. The tree shadows on the house is what makes it IMO. The toning is interesting and I wonder what you did - it does not look like a straight duotone from a grayscale. Looking for ways to make it more apparent that it is the moon that is illuminating this house, maybe a little more blue would move it in that direction?
Chris Lauritzen
{K:14949} 1/7/2004
I really like the look of this, the pattern of light falling on it is what makes this image. My only quip is I would have like to seen more space around the top of the house but thats just a personal opinion. Very nice toning also..
Mr Pepz
{K:390} 1/7/2004
!!...Fantasic Photo,..!!
Kelly Anbach
{K:4375} 1/7/2004
Really nice capture and I like the fact that there is nothing distracting from the sky. I too would like to know the camera settings. Keep up the nice shots!
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 1/7/2004
Gayle, a wonderful and inspiring photo. I've read your bio, and although you *claim* not to be a professional, you most certainly are an artist. I'm no professional either, but in my humble opinion I think you've created a stunning photo. I would like to know (an estimate of -) the camera settings. They always tell alot about the what and why of a photo.
Looking at your photo, I think the sky is too dark and has no stars in it. I'm guessing this is a PS job? The lack of contrast in the sky as well as the heavy tone attracts the attention a bit too much. I took the liberty of trying to illustrate what I mean by using your photo. I took the sky of one of my photos and blended it over the black sky in yours. Hope you don't mind.....

{K:244} 1/7/2004
i love the lighting, but in my opinion it will more remarkable if you crop a bit more on the left side of you image.
sandy c. hopkins
{K:17107} 12/21/2003
fantastic shot! what a great idea and perfect execution.
i'm being followed by a moon shadow moon shadow moonshadow
leapin and hoppin on a moonshadow moonshadow moonshadow
and if i ever lose my mouth all my teeth north and south oh if i ever lose my mouth..a wee ee eee eee ee wee eee eee...i won;t have to talk no more.
but ya know i really can;t imagine me not talking i would go nuts. :))
Shengnan Huang
{K:125} 12/20/2003
I LOVE this photo!
it really shows the idea of isolation, desolation and the stuff folklore is made of.
it evokes a sense of mystery and more than meeting the eye. I particularly think this was effective with the falling off boards.
How long was the exposure for this shot?
Tomo Radovanovic
{K:12788} 12/19/2003
very beautiful
Tarek Hakawati
{K:1269} 12/19/2003
Dear Gayle Excellent photo, in its lighting, composition and even the emotionaly... But i have one question....is this a pure moonlight or was is edited or enhanced by computer....because for a moonlight its too heavy...even if it was a full moon, but in either ways excellent job keep up the good work
Joshua Rainey
{K:5069} 12/18/2003
Beautiful lighting Gayle. I like the spookiness of this shot. Great choice for B&W, it gives it such great contrast...
Kang Cao
{K:1019} 12/18/2003
xxxx xxxx
{K:1833} 12/18/2003
I like the eerie feeling, I thought it was infrared before I opened it.... Nice light.
Amancio Couto
{K:15720} 12/18/2003