{K:9693} 12/30/2003
me olvidaba... esta foto esta muy buena, ella tiene una expresion de sorpresa muy linda y tecnicamente me parece una exposicion perfecta. Saludos
{K:9693} 12/30/2003
gracias por tus comentarios Lowell! un abrazo grande y Feliz Año Nuevo para vos tambien. Jose
PD: me gustaria conocer R. Dominicana...
{K:32791} 12/30/2003
I like the soft grain and of course, her smile...
Filipe Palha
{K:5432} 12/29/2003
impressive... those shiny eyes!!!
Mário Sousa
{K:16985} 12/27/2003
excellent image
ana ribeiro
{K:21290} 12/27/2003
her expression is so trustfull!!!!
Rhonda Prince
{K:17687} 12/26/2003
A fun and happy day for all of you, love the toning!
michelle k.
{K:16270} 12/26/2003
ditto lise on that lol... but anyways, they're both totally gorgeous... she looks really young here
lowell whipple girbes
{K:13151} 12/26/2003
this one is ana, clara's sister
Miluxa Patricio
{K:6060} 12/26/2003
m.c. lopez
{K:14766} 12/26/2003
cara clara !
lisa .
{K:9370} 12/26/2003
nice soft image, nice toning, nice work, nice clara or is it ana? they look similar when not together.......................................................
Cora Nichetti
{K:93} 12/26/2003
I like the expression... What a pity the image is not completly focused! But a good image, however... Regards
Hakan Aker
{K:14146} 12/26/2003
Hey Lowell ; This is a beautiful shot.Very warm smile indeed. I wish you and Clara a Merry Christmas & a happy new year. Regards,Hakan.