Stephen R. Pellerine
{K:2370} 6/19/2007
A grand nature shot you have there.
Clifton Jones
{K:10688} 6/2/2004
Another work of Art...I really like your style...outstanding work.... Clifton...
Saeed Al Shamsi
{K:47735} 5/31/2004
"Painting" amazing image,very relaxing one,perfect shot,acualy you've got great interesting portfolio,cheers ,Saeed
Maria Luisa Vial
{K:36017} 5/21/2004
Wow!!!! This is just amazing... It is like a painting!!!! I wish I could do something like this... It is really beautiful.. Love the colors and the composition is just awesome...
Your friend,
Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 3/14/2004
Pretty. The partial treatments are well done. I enjoy the changes in colour in the grass
Amna Al Shamsi
{K:21795} 2/6/2004
this is very beautiful capture..like a painting.
Kevin Lanthier
{K:3477} 1/12/2004
Holy crap, Marty... I haven't checked out your portfolio in some time, and you just don't post anything that isn't brilliant, do you? This is amazing - it looks like a painting because... well, because you've added some digital effects here to suggest thus... BUT ALSO! because I can't imagine such a scene actually existing in real life. This shot, alongside some of your other recent greats ("Omen" in particular comes to mind - it's a fabulously rendered version of a photo that I've been trying to capture since I first picked up a camera some years ago) comprise a distinct flavour to your recent work that's very suggestive of a series. Days Last Light, Dead Zone, Lone White, etc. Find yourself a gallery, dude, they're all worthy of it!
You said in a post to Rene Asmussen a couple years back that you considered him one of the elite photographers on Usefilm - well, if you weren't yourself in that category then you must certainly be so now. These lush, green paintingesque landscapes are amongst the best stuff around (at least in my humble opinion).
Take it easy, and bring us more of these, eh?! - Fogman
Raymund Macaalay
{K:7218} 12/29/2003
Looks like a fantasy land M.A. Mora. Nice colors
Hugo Pierre
{K:15692} 12/29/2003
Nice composition. Very well done and composed. I like its colors and lighting. Regards from Argentina.
Lars Noack
{K:166} 12/29/2003
aren't the colors a bit over-saturated? just my humble opinion...