Cristina D
{K:8080} 8/12/2005
Just awsome!
a. M.
{K:9020} 7/17/2005
very funny picture and well done..im not sure how you did it but it came out really nice
Timothy Schirmer
{K:7201} 7/29/2004
WOW, very surreal. This photo is beautiful on many levels. Fist of all your composition is great. The colors all go well together. The photo could be looked at in a symbolic way, the small leading the big sort of thing. I just love it, and thanks for all of your nice comments. Tim
Timothy Schirmer
{K:7201} 7/29/2004
WOW, very surreal. This photo is beautiful on many levels. Fist of all your composition is great. The colors all go well together. The photo could be looked at in a symbolic way, the small leading the big sort of thing. I just love it, and thanks for all of your nice comments. Tim
Maria Luisa Vial
{K:36017} 7/1/2004
Hi Marty...
I love this picture... Its is very original... The colors are really great... Very well composed... I love how the clouds look, they make the picture powerful...
Congratulations my friend!!!
Murilo Rafael de Souza
{K:19577} 7/1/2004
Great work Fido! I liked!
[] Murilo
Robert Höhne
{K:4290} 7/1/2004
A great find, you have matched up the images well, the firey sky giving you an insight into how the dinosaurs came to grief, possibly us humans as well.
Martin Mora
{K:4666} 7/1/2004
added some about on that photo, sorry I didnt before, put it up, just for fun, wasnt expecting any comments on it :)
Martin Mora
{K:4666} 7/1/2004
added some about on this photo, sorry I didnt before., just threw it up for fun
Martin Mora
{K:4666} 7/1/2004
o I should have put some about on this, sorry, found this out inthe middle of no where along the interstate in South Dakota someones art project? :)
Daniel Silva
{K:2512} 7/1/2004
thats cool, howd u do it?
Ameed El-Ghoul
{K:42215} 7/1/2004
Hi Mora, i like the composition in here, but i wish you've enclouded some details in here, how you made the picture and so on, regards,
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 7/1/2004
How cool!