Erland Pillegaard
{K:34147} 5/17/2009
Another beautifult picture my friends Regardes erland
Gabriella Carta
{K:22879} 4/23/2004
lovely pic, good
Ferran Lacruz
{K:5466} 4/15/2004
Muy buen encuadre.El tono de color tambien es muy adecuado para el tipo de imagen.Saludos Ferran
Burak Tanriover
{K:16610} 2/22/2004
this is a beautiful picture with especially beuatiful composition. congratulations
Chuck Freeman
{K:13616} 2/20/2004
Wonderful shot and good lighting. Thanks for still using film
Katrin Aasa
{K:740} 2/16/2004
Makes me think , feel some kind of inexplicable yearning.
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 2/12/2004
lovely composed!!!
{K:8657} 2/2/2004
i like this very much regarsds kevin
Claudia De Benedetto
{K:2220} 1/30/2004
what a sweet capture David !
luisa vassallo
{K:28230} 1/29/2004
very nice!!
robert jedrusik
{K:806} 1/19/2004
i would like shooting just the same photo as it ... in this one moument!
Ken Williams
{K:862} 1/14/2004
Very nice David ........ the simple images are my favorites.
Marta Pereyra
{K:5029} 1/12/2004
Preciosa composición! Los tonos también son geniales, quizás le falta un poco de definición, pero aún así la fotos es fantástica! Enhorabuena, David
Viktor Pravdica
{K:4907} 1/8/2004
Love the tone and the story...
Geza Farkas
{K:12412} 1/8/2004
Great composition. I like the tone.
Graciela Pierre
{K:7318} 1/6/2004
Excelente composición. El tono sepia le queda muy bien. Una foto muy expresiva. Otra vez un gran trabajo. Saludos!
Hugo Pierre
{K:15692} 1/4/2004
Bella y sugestiva composición. Sugiere sanos y humanos sentimientos. Realmente creo que es un hallazgo emocional. ?Adelante...vamos todavía! Hugo
ilan Amihai
{K:1835} 1/4/2004
nice shot regards ilan
Eduardo Bernardes
{K:8999} 1/3/2004
Lovely picture. Wonderful composition and atmosphere. Well done!
Regards, Eduardo
Augusto Buffa (Ali)
{K:10454} 1/3/2004
Emotional image! Very nice composition.
Michael Holm
{K:7931} 1/3/2004
David, Thank you very much for looking and commenting on the window image... I looked at your portfolio youhave some very wonderful images, great ART ... Have a very creative 2004... Mike
peta jones
{K:12615} 1/2/2004
David, this is a very sweet image. Brings back memories of when my two were little like that. :)
Pat Fruen
{K:12076} 1/2/2004
Emotional photo...good work.
John Hatziemmanouil
{K:40580} 1/2/2004
Superb! A high emotional photo David. Very good also the classic sepia tone for this. Regards.
Ellen Havrilla
{K:8618} 1/2/2004
I like e tones. they make the picture interesting, I think. Regards Ellen
Mari Mar
{K:11469} 1/2/2004
Todo un poema de ternura, foto maravillosa, David, felicitaciones por tu creatividad y por crear fotos diferentes e interesantes!!
Caprice Duvent
{K:3998} 1/2/2004
very nice composition David ! Congrats Regards Caprice
Amna Al Shamsi
{K:21795} 1/2/2004
very beautiful capture.
cecilia tovini
{K:29423} 1/2/2004
bellissima. una grande emozione e una bella poesia. cecilia
c c
{K:13449} 1/2/2004
I love beach images of children from the back--this one is especially nice with the seagull. Wonderul capture with a sweet innocence to it. Great work!
Natalie Papadopoulos
{K:5247} 1/2/2004
sweet image - great capture with great composition.
Antonino De Rosa
{K:64} 1/2/2004
Wonderful shot. Emotional. Congratulations
Carmen Fuchs
{K:6967} 1/2/2004
Charming image. I love it.