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Saharan Sands III
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Image Title:  Saharan Sands III
Favorites: 2 
 By: Hugo de Wolf  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer Hugo de Wolf  Hugo de Wolf {Karma:185110}
Project #20 Classic Landscape Camera Model Pentax MZ5
Categories Landscape
Film Format
Portfolio Dossier Morocco
Lens 50
Uploaded 1/8/2004 Film / Memory Type Kodak Portra 160
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 1626 Shutter 1/250'
Favorites Aperture f 16
Critiques 31 Rating
/ 21 Ratings
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About The last of this tryptich series. This photo was taken at the same location in the Merzouga dunes, only 10 minutes later; and a different composition, compared to I'm curious which one you prefer.... Comments, as always, are very welcome!


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There are 31 Comments in 1 Pages
Morgan Estill Morgan Estill   {K:3786} 3/20/2007
Love your sand shots. Almost abstract. Fantastic. Great colors. Definitely eye candy.


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 11/6/2004
Thank you very much, dear Elisa! You picked one of my favourites.... although I like the second one in this series too....;o)




NN  NN     {K:26787} 11/6/2004
Hi Hugo ... I dived into your portfolio and the sand I found here. All three in this series are good, but this one is my absolute favourite because of the stronger shadows/shapes compared to I; version II is the one I prefer the least ...

A very very elegant work ... Love the simplicity here!


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 11/5/2004
Hi Lucasz, I noticed you tried to reply a couple of times.... UF filters external links automatically, untill a member of the staff approves the comment. In most cases, this takes a while. Thanks, though!




Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 11/5/2004
Hi Lukasz, Too true. That's the good thing about photography; those rules do not always apply, and even breaking them serves a purpose; it can very well take an image out of the ordinary.... Rules are to be broken, or at least to be bent, if needed.




Lukasz Kuczkowski Lukasz Kuczkowski   {K:14687} 11/5/2004
Hi Hugo, thanks for your reply and interesting concept;
I agree that there must (should) be a dominant object in the shot - usually this is the object the photographer wants to emphasize in his/her work; it is also wonderful that the other objects in the picture create line(s) which leads the viewer to the dominant object and allow to concentrate on it and your picture above (the main at the top) is a good example of such pictures (IMHO the main object is the peak of the dunes far in the background and the edge leads the viewer's eyes in lovely way there),
there are some pictures which does not comply with the above rules; I will upload one soon
I am just wondering what will you think about it



Lukasz Kuczkowski Lukasz Kuczkowski   {K:14687} 11/5/2004
Hi Hugo, thanks for your reply and interesting concept;
I agree that there must (should) be a dominant object in the shot - usually this is the object the photographer wants to emphasize in his/her work; it is also wonderful that the other objects in the picture create line(s) which leads the viewer to the dominant object and allow to concentrate on it and your picture above (the main at the top) is a good example of such pictures (IMHO the main object is the peak of the dunes far in the background and the edge leads the viewer's eyes in lovely way there),
there are some pictures which does not comply with the above rules
I am just wondering what do you think about this picture



Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 11/5/2004
LOL! Thanks Lukasz, this time the sky is natural... No PS corrections here...:) The reason I pasted the link to this one, is that I think the simple lines work as a remote and deserted image, but when the lines and slopes increase in complexity the image requires a more predominant subject to grab and hold the viewers attention, instead of cjust reating a cluttered and subject-ridden image. see attached.

Thanks for your time and constructive comment... Very much appreciated. Had a brief look at your portfolio, and I will definately take a closer look soon! Very, very impressive!




Lukasz Kuczkowski Lukasz Kuczkowski   {K:14687} 11/5/2004
Yes, this one is excellent - like the edges of the dunes here as well as their colors;
great shot (but the sky seems unnatural once again :-))


Lori Stitt   {K:75282} 10/31/2004

This photograph is just spectacular! Couldn't possible be better if you tried. A 2 toned beauty for sure! Lovely composition, with both sharp and soft curves. Very nice.

Gorgeous warm tones on the sun side, with shadow with a bluish cast. PERFECT!
This truly is one of the nicer formations I've seen!

I've never had the pleasure of photographing dunes, and I love them so.

Wonderful image, kind of a natural abstract!
Lori :)


Helena Gustafsson   {K:417} 10/5/2004
Wonderful! I like the contrast between the shadow and light. The lines and curves are so amazing.


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 7/23/2004
Hi Carmem, Thanks for your comment. I'm working on a few new projects and ideas and will be uploading some shots soon... Always a pleasure to hear from you!




Carmem A. Busko   {K:48785} 7/23/2004
Hugo, I?ve chosen this to thank your recent comments, (always kind and honest) .. and to say I?m missing your photos!
Best wishes to you and your family!

(Oh.. the photo is great, I was forgetting to comment... a classic, but perfect!)


Peggy Christine Skinner Peggy Christine Skinner   {K:26936} 4/2/2004
A feeling of infinity, the smoothness is unbelievable. I love this one.


Adrian Neugebauer   {K:82} 4/2/2004
I love this picture, such smooth, crisp colours


Richard Thornton   {K:26442} 3/10/2004
Let's back up and, instead of "what have you done lately", what did you do a couple months ago? This is just a knockout graphic, stunning and powerful, the kind I would like to make if I had the opportunity. You had the opportunity and capitalised on it. Fine differentiation of tones without going totally black.


Pete Pantsari   {K:4196} 2/20/2004
Wonderful lines and shadows. Excellent lighting for this photo. Very nicely done. Regards.


Melissa Schalke   {K:2070} 2/7/2004
Wouw! Heel mooi met licht net na zonsopgang of net voor zonsondergang. Ik ga in het najaar naar Namibie, ik hoop met zulk materiaal terug te komen...


Cas Poldermans   {K:1080} 1/24/2004
Deze vind ik persoonlijk stukken beter dan diegene waar je in je intro-verhaaltje een link naar geeft. Het contrast is hier hoger, de belichting interessanter en de lijnen beter voor de compositie. Met name dat contrast is heel belangrijk om die lijn scherp te krijgen en het kleurverloop van donker voor naar 'warm' zandkleurig achter is erg gaaf. Deze heeft duidelijk mijn voorkeur, goed gedaan.


Thamer Al-Tassan Thamer Al-Tassan   {K:1358} 1/19/2004
Beautiful shot Hugo, I preffer this one because the blue gradient in the sky looks better.


Rawabi Al-Nuaimi   {K:15659} 1/11/2004
this is a very beautiful composition.. great colors and shadows.. beautiful!! I'm listening to Desert Rose by sting, which really puts me in the mood! ;-)


jon parsons   {K:13639} 1/9/2004
Hugo, wonderful and dramatic sand dune! nice work....jon


A Brito   {K:10699} 1/9/2004
another lovely dune photo !
great composition and toning !


Graham Mulrooney   {K:15728} 1/8/2004
Beautiful composed image with brilliant light and shadow. The curves and lines are amazing.


Massimo Di Maggio Massimo Di Maggio   {K:-53658} 1/8/2004
Just another splendid photo, I like your idea of the tryptich, even if it is sometimes difficult to comment all the photos, please excuse me if it happens.

I reply to your comment:

I?m not really conservative, I like the news and the modern things, but if you read the Mary Bell comment, you will understand the meaning of my message.

Yes, more space would be perfect, the image is too cropped, I wanted to remove some distracting elements, I put here the original resized, so you can see and tell me if I made the right choice. The contrast depends on two factors, the place was in shade and I am not yet able to convert in B/W as I would like, I?m still learning!!! ;))

PS: never forget your polarizer!!! it is the first thing I carry with me when I go to take some shots, after my cigarettes of course ;))

Bye Max


Tim Bronkhorst   {K:9391} 1/8/2004
Fantastic work, strong painting like picture. Maby a little les contrast would make it a little easyer.
Anyway beautifull view, I say that out of own knowledge, I've been there once.
Greets TIm.


Don Loseke Don Loseke   {K:32503} 1/8/2004
This outstanding. Such great lighting and tones. Splendid picture and good work. Don.


MaryBell    {K:32791} 1/8/2004
I like this one and the first - they have two very different moods - the middle one doesn't quite reach either mood - sort of a middle ground - which is not necessarily bad in a tryptich.

I like the curve of this one and the colors are quite appealing...


Clifton Jones Clifton Jones   {K:10688} 1/8/2004 is perfect..


Giulia Rinaldi   {K:3158} 1/8/2004
Splendida e affascinante!


Marcel Laurens   {K:3654} 1/8/2004
beautiful form and light combination...




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