... just befor any Question arises the person on this picture is well over 15... and well actualy it was going to be called the slicing of the mysterie girl... but then I saw it is Cheries Birthday... so ähhh... well trying to get out of knot having known and all that..... *g* happy Birthday... to the real reason of why I am still hangin a round here Party On Cherie ;)
No Carmen does it just for fun like a hobby, but by the looks of things she should seriously do something about it... I'm pushing her in that direction. Ooh 3 photos a day now exciting, hooray ! :)
can one see Carmens work anwhere...? And don?t worry... I?m not hopping of the Bus, three uploads a day.... that?s enugh to carry on the Party for a while....
Thanks Piers, this is so beautiful. You know yesterday evening when my best friend Carmen and me were waiting for the others we took a quick look at your portfolio, and she loved it, especially this one. She paints wonderful acrylics, and said this reminded her of a famous painter... can't remember the name... so there you go, this isn't just good, it's bloody excellent. Love it! and yeah... I'm very hungover today, aspirins anybody? hugs Cherie p.s. You mentioning me, makes me very happy. I'm glad you're sticking around, wouldn't be any fun if you hopped off the bus :)