James Cook
{K:38068} 9/25/2006
Shark! Hehe. This ladder is a regular cornucopia. The color work is good to this one.
Marian Man
{K:80636} 9/25/2006
great find dear Emgy!!!!!! an exceptional abstract shot!!!!!!!! amazing colors!!!!!! love it!!! Marian
Anna Mortensson
{K:-42} 12/16/2005
Hj Emgy! Long tim no see!!! You work stil inspiring me! I hope I`ll see you new work very soon! Best regards Ann
Ozjan Yeshar
{K:15239} 11/15/2004
One of the things about abstracts is how it provokes eyes to analyze the depth of photo differently. In here you did a good job guiding us to your perspective clearly without making us wonder around the simples of your work. Great work Emgy. Cheers.
Nando Mondino
{K:14261} 7/4/2004
Wonderful composition!
Di Ciuccio Maurizio
{K:57398} 5/21/2004
non solo bravissima..ma anche una signora bellissima..complimenti..ciao e spero di trovare presto tuoi lavori..fantastici tutti...a presto
{K:16125} 3/27/2004
Smiles this looks allot like Harlans stuff...where the heck is he?? I have not seen apost from him in some time!!!! Well done.....
Gregory Fiedler
{K:15439} 3/8/2004
Marvelous abstract! Love your portfolio!
Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 3/6/2004
Fantastic Emgy, an incredible abstract - I love it :-)
Thankyou also for your very kind comments
Maya Bylina
{K:5925} 3/5/2004
Beautiful texture and tone.Well done!!! Best wishes! Maya
Roy V
{K:13082} 3/4/2004
Emgy, I had to comment a second time on this one! Beautiful and amazing....as always. Thank you for the nice comments. "they mean a lot" Roy
Louise Bol
{K:1070} 2/27/2004
Hoi Emgy,
Je laat wederom een staaltje van je enorme creativiteit zien door deze afbeelding van verfresten op een ladder. Ik ben verbaasd door de pracht die je in deze serie foto's laat zien. Het bewijst des te meer dat dingen die ogenschijnlijk lelijk of 'gewoon' zijn, bij nadere beschouwing en gebruik van een beetje fantasie ineens erg boeiend en mooi kunnen worden. Ik bewonder de manier waarop je dit tot stand weet te brengen in je foto's. Wat mij betreft ben je een raskunstenares die zeer boeiend werk maakt!
groetjes van Louise
Lori Stitt
{K:75282} 2/21/2004
And I also have just the room for this image too!! Emgy, I really like this one. (I think tomorrow I'll go look at my aluminum ladder with all kinds of colors on it!) The colors in this are wonderful, and it even has COMPOSITION! Good job! Lori :)
ps...congrats on the knife photo! Ya never know huh???
Clifton Jones
{K:10688} 2/20/2004
Another great shot...very well done........
Jocelyne A
{K:1974} 2/20/2004
Wow, great eye on this one. I love it!! It does look so much like a deep blue aquarium! Who would have thought. ) Thank you for your comment on my "raindrops". I've checked out your work, and I absolutely love it! You may say you're amateur but your eye is professional. Thanks for sharing this and your other works! ) - Jocelyne
Paolo De Maio
{K:34932} 2/18/2004
Questa è ancora più intensa!! Bella l'intensa luce, e il contrasto cromatico. ci sai davvero fare!
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 2/18/2004
fantasy and beauty. marvelous shot.
Gabriella Carta
{K:22879} 2/15/2004
sembra un acquario astratto ahahahah. Grande!
Mirko Saviane
{K:4588} 2/14/2004
Grandissimo occhio anche in questa... gran bell astratto Emgy!
Allora... secondo me non c'è molta differenza in qualità tra il 28-105mm ed il 28-135mm IS... la stabilizzazione di immagine è utile per focali maggiori... non credo sia fondamentale per riprese "vicine"... il 28-105mm ha diametro dei filtri 58mm... come la mia vecchia Sony... così non devo ricomprare tutti i filtri... come zoom tele sono differenti ma non credo tantissimo... il 28-135mmm costa 200 euro di più.
Riassumendo: non credo valga la pena spendere 200 euro in più per avere la stessa qualità di immagine con un IS che non è fondamentale per focali basse e con un po' di zoom tele in più... preferisco usare i 200 euro su un altro obbiettivo.
Il 70-200mm ha una qualità OTTIMA di immagine ed è un vero tele... diventa un 110-320!!! ottimo per ritratti è "foto rubate"... visto che costa parecchio preferisco metter qui i 200 euro risprmiati... sì è pesante... lo so... ma non credo sia un problema per la 300D... se usi un treppiede (tripod) ci attacchi l'obbiettivo in questo caso e non la macchina... quindi nessun problema.
Perché il 50mm F1.8??? Perché costa molto poco ed è un dei migliori obbiettivi che la Canon ha fatto... ottimo per ritratti e da usare con condizioni di luce difficile... F1.8 vuol dire che è MOLTO luminoso... il 18-55 venduto in kit è un 3.5/5.6!!!
Se guardi su photodo.com trovi questi punteggi (da 0 a 5max) sulla qualità degli obbiettivi canon:
28-105mm: 3.3 28-135mm IS: 3.5 70-200mm f4 L: 4.1 50mm f1.8 4.2
Come puoi vedere il migliore è quello che costa anche di meno (sui 100 o poco più)
Se vuoi comprarti UNA SOLA lente comunque ti consiglio anche io il 28-135mm perché così hai un po' di tele in più... arrivi a 210mmm max... Più della mia vecchia Sony 707!!!
Ciao! PS Oggi pomeriggio provo un po' di obbiettivi di Lorenzo Savinelli, non so se hai mai visto le sue foto su questo sito...) poi magari ti dico...
P.S. Scusami se sono un po'scocciante, ma sono curiosa di sapere perche'la scelta di un teleobiettivo 70-200 f4L e non uno con IS come il 28 - 135mm con IS? E'per la "L" qualita'? Ma non e'molto pesante per la 300 D? E poi, perche'la lente 50 1.8? Grazie
Dave M
{K:9043} 2/13/2004
This is excellent.
Kees and Carolyn
{K:15193} 2/13/2004
Oh, this is fantastic! Vibrant colors! Excellent!! Carolyn
Jimmy Payne
{K:21163} 2/11/2004
Fanatastic fantasy, Emgy. Wonderful 3D effect in a photo. Jimmy
Murat Tanriover
{K:8387} 2/9/2004
It is a wonderful choice of picking colors. Just perfect...
Joksa Juoperi
{K:13473} 2/8/2004
Excellent capture with nice texture and colours. Regards, Joksa.
Heather Tomas-Allem
{K:1064} 2/7/2004
Wonderful work!!
Leonardo Bosnia
{K:4053} 2/6/2004
GReat texture.. excellent colors and idea! I like those kind of photo!
Robert Gaither
{K:34128} 2/4/2004
Well they are both excellent abstract photographers and editors to get suggestions from. I like this image. Great work and keep that creativtiy coming.
Jan Symank
{K:22030} 2/3/2004
Very beautiful " Underwater World " and Nemo impression. Impressive how you found this and composed. Bravissimo Complimenti, Jan
Toni Martin
{K:5092} 2/3/2004
You definitely have a nice fish there!
Lorenzo Parisi
{K:6277} 2/3/2004
Excellent image, Emgy... Thanks for your comment. Ciao, Lorenzo
Shiv Kumar Surya
{K:17362} 2/2/2004
Sim Hing Shek
{K:1370} 2/1/2004
Love the colours, I'm really enjoying your 'old paint' abstracts.
orchid tropic
{K:5431} 2/1/2004
Outstanding color effect...I like it very much...It looks like a real aquarium, stunning work!!! Congratulation!! and thank you very much for all of your kind comments on my portfolio....You are so good to me, thank you again!
Have a nice day long and enjoy...with best wishes, Orchid
Mr. Arrey
{K:11516} 2/1/2004
nice composition. One can recognise many things there. Nice shot and nice colours.
Alberto Agnoletti
{K:12811} 2/1/2004
Altro bellissimo astratto!! Complimenti! ....ma dove li trovi?? Buona Domenica! Ciao!!
Graciela Pierre
{K:7318} 1/31/2004
I love the saturated colors here. Beautiful abstract! Regards from Buenos Aires
Hakan Aker
{K:14146} 1/30/2004
Hey Emgy ; This is another excellent abstract .My best regards to you,HakaN.
MEmar ME
{K:12566} 1/30/2004
Hi Emgy: This is a Marvellous show of beauty and colors. A magnificent and original work. Nicely done. A smile.
Roy V
{K:13082} 1/29/2004
Emgy, This is so cool! "Just awesome, perfect 10" Roy
Gianluca Ferlito
{K:725} 1/29/2004
Ottimo effetto.
Ana Vianna
{K:15270} 1/29/2004
Yes, it seems an ocean landscape! Wonderful work! My regards!
Bill Krul
{K:5597} 1/28/2004
Emgy: This is, by far, the most unique of your wonderful abstracts. The saturation really works well for this image and I thought this was an aquarium shot! Great eye. Best regards. bill
Emanuele Calvagno
{K:14353} 1/28/2004
un astratto particolarmente ricco di colore.. sembra un acquario con un bel pesciolino... sei bravissima..ma questo lo sai già!
Rawabi Al-Nuaimi
{K:15659} 1/28/2004
beautiful texture and colors.. amazing shot :)
Dave M
{K:9043} 1/28/2004
"Finding Nemo" meets abtract art. Wonderful, wonderful work.
luisa vassallo
{K:28230} 1/28/2004
this is super!!
Amancio Couto
{K:15720} 1/27/2004
Jorge Vasconcelos
{K:33746} 1/27/2004
Excellent surrealist paint. Thanks for your comments to "She" Regards jorge
Mário Sousa
{K:16985} 1/27/2004
fantastic image, thank
Lucas B.
{K:525} 1/27/2004
Bela composição e cores... Obrigado pelo comentario Lucas
{K:30945} 1/27/2004
wow.. Emgy, great colors and fabulous abstract ;-) Kiss, Bibi
PS. please Emgy, go to my photo Black Hair if you are not too busy and see the original, cause I posted it for you sweety Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
Dubravko Grakalic
{K:25235} 1/27/2004
nice fantasy!
Paolo Barthelemy
{K:25552} 1/27/2004
Vibrant colors and great lighting for an excellent composition. Congrats! Best regards, Paolo
Hanna Segal
{K:13469} 1/26/2004
If God decides to recreate the world He might as well use residuals of old paint on aluminum ladders. They work perfect! Hugs, Hanna
Gino Quattrocchi
{K:39580} 1/26/2004
che tavolozza!!!! bella Gino
Harlan Heald
{K:15732} 1/26/2004
Wow! This is great! Glad you boosted the saturation a bit. From the looks of this, I wonder if you really need a new camera. (Just kidding.)
M. Tigrek
{K:2298} 1/26/2004
very nice. Regards.
Jani Salvataggio
{K:27283} 1/26/2004
very very good abstract!!! regards Jani
ana ribeiro
{K:21290} 1/26/2004
i would like best if not so saturated were the colours
Kristina Kohut
{K:49990} 1/25/2004
Very nice and interesting abstract! Beautifully composed, and even without the title it makes me think of the sea... I can see a big dolphin (or shark?) and it looks excellent!
Amna Al Shamsi
{K:21795} 1/25/2004
wonderful capture, very well seen...it is like a sea with fishes, i can see a shark too!
Anouschka Rokebrand
{K:6470} 1/25/2004
Wow Emgy, this is excellent! Looks like an ocean indeed. Wonderful work my friend!
Alexey Sapa
{K:27174} 1/25/2004
Hi, Emgy! Great fantasy... Such lovely and colourful picture! Amazing abstract! Like it very much!!! Really seems that it's deep in ocean! Great, my friend!My hugs and best regards! Alexey
Antonio Trincone
{K:23167} 1/25/2004
this is great Emgy and your discovery in this residual paint is very nice!
PS. Thank you for waiting my shots :)
Rob Ernsting
{K:8899} 1/25/2004
Heel erg mooi, apart, basis is fotografie, maar dan ga je kleuren en wordt het fotografica. Heel goed gedaan. Rob.
charlie f. kohn
{K:25919} 1/25/2004
dear emgy, hwat a world you dectected and you are exploring and displaying to us here. another wonderful example. great! thank you very much for your kind comment on 'natural park 'la pedriza'. besos charlie.f.kohn@sixpence-pictures.com // madrid
Nedim Muhic
{K:14362} 1/25/2004
Fantastic technique and amazing effect !!! Lot of saturation? Why not! Regards, Nedim.
Masahiko Shibata
{K:14107} 1/24/2004
Wonderful fantasy world!!Great and congratulation!!
Selina White
{K:928} 1/24/2004
Amazing effect !!! How did you get fishes out of old paint ??? Incredible !!!
Well done, my friend !
Naty Z
{K:16436} 1/24/2004
and you did it right Emgy!!! Superb fantasy you have!! i LOVE this one!! :)
Eduardo Bernardes
{K:8999} 1/24/2004
Wonderful colours and great abstract. Well done!!! Congrats, Eduardo
John Hatziemmanouil
{K:40580} 1/24/2004
Great abstract Emgy. Beautiful texture and colours, especialy the colours here are very nice. Oh yes, the main shape looks like...little bit a fish.
Massimo Di Maggio
{K:-53658} 1/24/2004
Wow, che meraviglia!! Sembra proprio di trovarsi sul fondo dell'oceano, che colori e quanti abitanti, mi fermo un po' qui a guardare questo spettacolo, almeno fino a che ho aria nelle bombole, ma dimmi... non è che c'è qualche squalo in giro!!! ;))) Ciao baci, Max
Antonella Nistri
{K:21867} 1/24/2004
Che meraviglia,Emgy,una foto veramente stupenda!!!!! Complimenti e baci, Antonella
Nicki Caplan
{K:-52} 1/24/2004
This is amazing. The saturation suits.. and am I the only one who can see 'heads' in the centre? (Like a frogs head / face to the right of it, and like a dinosaur to the left) hmmmmm... Great picture anyways, well done!
{K:16125} 1/24/2004
Very nice I thought this looked like harlans work...well done... I like it
Orazio Minnella
{K:49417} 1/24/2004
L'astrattismo è un'arte che va da se,ed in essa tu riesci benissimo,riuscendo a conferire ai tuoi lavori, colori bellissimi, come la variante in questo caso del blue. Saluti...Orazio
Hugo Pierre
{K:15692} 1/23/2004
Interesting and original work. Very well done and composed. Best wishes!
sandy c. hopkins
{K:17107} 1/23/2004
just like an aquarium! :) great work..look like little fishies...great eye you have their emgy big hug!
. .
{K:16329} 1/23/2004
Wow, it really does have a magical aquarium look! I'm really impressed by the effect of the saturation. The luminous quality must come from the aluminum under the paint. Marvelous image, Emgy!!
Roger Cotgreave
{K:15892} 1/23/2004
sure does look like the ocean... it is great you see all these things in old paint. I used to paint and found the mixture of colors more interesting than the painting. The sausage eating man is a danger to mankind a wild species who is never satisfied..trained to kill in the SAS...love you stufff, regards roger
Getulio Melo
{K:6481} 1/23/2004
Wonderful creative work. Congrats.
{K:12204} 1/23/2004
Incredible, I think Nemo must be in here somewhere...!
Barry Walthall
{K:5312} 1/23/2004
You turned a ladder into an underwater scene!I can't believe this! It is absolutley fantastic....my hats off to you Emgy....it is wonderful...and I'm putting into my favorites....because it is!!
Geraldo Ferreira
{K:548} 1/23/2004
Fantastic abstract. I like very mutch. Remember the clear watter of the rivers of my land.
Regards from Mato Grosso
donato r.
{K:16361} 1/23/2004
Straordinariamente belli questi colori!...ottimo astratto! ciao donato
Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 1/23/2004
nice work.. excellent effect.. good job
Elena Zabelina
{K:23212} 1/23/2004
Yes, Emgy, it's wonderful! I like it too. Excellent color - such a colorful Deep Ocean fantasy! Fantastic work!!! My warm regards, my friend, Lena
{K:32791} 1/23/2004
In thumbnail, this looks very much like a aquarium tank!! What is even more impressive is that in the larger scale it looks like an abstract but the aquarium impression does not leave...
Cherie Spike
{K:-21959} 1/23/2004
EMGEEEEEEEEE!!! heee This reminds me of a Walt Disney film with the fishes you know. I love the little dragon wearing dungarees smoking a pipe the best... and I didn't know you could find UFOs underwater... hu?
So beautiful.. the colours are edible :) hugs Cherie p.s. the guy on the bottom right with a purple face needs some serious tickling
Riny Koopman
{K:19998} 1/23/2004
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 1/23/2004
ciao emgy... gran bella foto come sempre e poi devo ringraziarti per i tuoi incorggiamenti! ma non finisci mai di stupirmi... presto molto presto... ciao un abbraccio roby 7/7
Andrea Biscosi
{K:5387} 1/23/2004
Great composition , excellent colors. Very good work. Congrats Andrea
Andrej V
{K:6693} 1/23/2004
Very interesting shot! Andrej
Lucas B.
{K:525} 1/23/2004
Augusto Buffa (Ali)
{K:10454} 1/23/2004
Commentare un astratto per me non è facile. Mi piace come hai organizzato la composizione, i toni dei colori, i giochi dei contrasti e la posizione dei singoli "soggetti". A me piace tanto..complimenti.
{K:5655} 1/23/2004
Nice texture. I like the abstract feel of this shot. Well done.
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 1/23/2004
Emgy, ik vind het fantastisch wat je hier laat zien Je moet het maar zien Goed werk Groet Teunis
jon parsons
{K:13639} 1/23/2004
Emgy, this is outstanding! Its like I am looking into a tropical fish tank! in fact thats what I thought it was until I read your explanation... greet creative idea, great capture....jon
xy x
{K:41915} 1/23/2004
excellent colour effect and great sea abstract, wonderful compositions and lighting, congrats, best regards
lowell whipple girbes
{K:13151} 1/23/2004
great !!!!!!!!