Forgive me if I seem harsh, but it is completely ridiculous for the person who rated this a "1" to have done so without a comment. Such a low rating without a comment gives the photographer no help at all. If you are going to give such an extreme rating, either high or low, have the decency or at least the tiny bit of motivation necessary to write something down to explain yourself.
I personally think the photograph is too dark but I think it is not bad composition. I really like the light you captured in the sky and the effort at silhouetting the bridge. I think if you make another attempt at this in the future, try use a bit less negative exposure compensation, if thats what you did. Perhaps bracket the shot using normal exposure, -1 stop and perhaps -1.5 or -2 stops and see what you get back. You might find it very enlightening. I sure did when I took my first dusk and evening shots. Keep up the good work.