Lissa Hatcher
{K:3006} 8/16/2003
I really like the grouping makes things more intresting The only image that I dont feel is very strong is the third one... all the rest could hold there own .... But as said in above comments Yellows and blues work and this holds the attention for longer than a second so you did your job. I would like to see you try this again with something else and see how you do ... I bet you will find you learned something .Great work ! p.s. thanks for sharing your childhood with me and your helpful and thoughtful comments they were very much needed .
Carol Watson
{K:5185} 7/17/2003
I love this montage!! I'm a sucker for yellows and blues together!! The flower in the top right has the coolest spiral pattern in the center!! Well done!
And thanks for pointing out the white speck in my sunflower shot -- I didn't even notice it! I'm getting old... :-)
Alisa Mudge
{K:12511} 2/13/2004
I'm sure you are thrilled with the outcome of all your hard work woman! This is very impressive and shows your creativity. Talk about color! AM
Dave Holland
{K:13074} 12/21/2002
I usually hate flower pictures. But these, well, these are good. The only thing I find mildly distracting is the difference in the color of the sky in your middle two shots.
Kim Culbert
{K:37070} 12/21/2002
Thanks to all who helped me with this image, with their input and suggestions. I like where it is now, much more than before. Just goes to show that Usefilm rocks.
heather martino
{K:3648} 12/21/2002
yep, thats the last one. H:)
Vincent K. Tylor
{K:7863} 12/21/2002
Yes, patience is a virtue! This is the one that I was waiting for. The fact that your yellow border is faded does not hurt this one bit in my opinion. You want the border to simply frame the image not attract attention from it. I will give this one a 10 because I truly think it deserves it and will hope that Al gives this a very close look! Great work Kim!
Kim Culbert
{K:37070} 12/21/2002
Okay, really, the border is a lot more vivid and bright in the TIFF file. But it looks horrible here. I don't know if there is anything I can do for in here.
Kyle Blair... thought that I would answer your question here... I am going to be printing this at a lab, but through digital means. I give them the file and they use their computers to make the print. Wish I had the equipment to do it myself! I am going to print it as an 11x14 and see how that works out.