John McCallum
{K:1856} 3/9/2004
v nice shot Stefan. great tones and detail. gives a feeling of the sense of carefree only experienced when a child. Candid shots make it diff sometimes to get background exactly how you'd want them, but I wonder if the dark horizontal line was offset from center - would this add to the image. enjoyed the shot though! cheers.
{K:32791} 3/5/2004
This is wonderful - reminds me of Dina Marie's portrait work - wonderful DOF and movement but most importantly, it captures the energy of a child...
I am falling behind on comments because my in-laws are here...my apologies...
Andriete Paris
{K:2381} 3/5/2004
Outstanding! Congrats.
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 3/5/2004
Some words more; There is another member which have a great photo of a child (there is many!), where the face is turned away from the spectator - MaryBell "you?re a dream to me"... This "Turner-move" is great for the imagination...
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 3/4/2004
Very nice movement, both how she moves into to the framing and her hair flow. I think it?s very interesting when the face is turned away from the spectator - because it makes us (at least me) curious about the appearance. Lovely tonality and composition. /Jeanette
Dina Marie
{K:-1410} 3/4/2004
I love the background and its simplicity... the movement of her hair and arms proves again that children are limitless when it comes to energy. Love this.
Haleh B
{K:3741} 3/4/2004
I agree with Jim. Enjoy these moments when the air in her hair is golden! Ten years from now it would be impossible to capture the same flow!
Jim McNitt
{K:11246} 3/4/2004
HI Stefan:
Earlier today I was suggesting how important it is to see the faces in children's photos. I still think it is, but "Flow" proves that while it may be important, it's not a necessity when you have great movement and a headful of fair flowing locks.
Stay with the "flow" while you can. Tomorrow they will be teenagers. I know. Yesterday I was warming bottles at 4AM. Today she's 12 going on 20. --jim
RC. Dany
{K:64104} 3/4/2004
Gran trabajo , buena luz, buenos contrastes y muy lindas texturas.
Tomo Radovanovic
{K:12788} 3/4/2004
sandy c. hopkins
{K:17107} 3/4/2004
beautiful stefan.. the composition is right on as well as the spirit
Pat Fruen
{K:12076} 3/4/2004
Love the energy and the motion.
{K:180} 3/4/2004
This shot is definitely about the hair, but the hands have a share of expressiveness, too.
Autumn Ruhe
{K:993} 3/4/2004
very well done... plus, beautiful tones.
Verena Rentrop
{K:15233} 3/4/2004
what a great flowing movement in the hair... but the whole composition is amazing to me...
Cheers, Verena
{K:26787} 3/4/2004
The hair looks just great ...