ugur gungor aksoy
{K:677} 2/12/2006
farkli bir bakis acisi guzel fotograf
Jocelyne A
{K:1974} 6/16/2003
Floating glasses. This is a wonderful photo that would be the perfect conversation piece while drinking some wine out of those same glasses... I'll have to agree with what Ralph Johnson's suggestions on how you could improve this shot, but otherwise I still like it. ) Thanks for sharing!
William R Eastman III
{K:2141} 5/24/2002
nice image!
David Meiland
{K:1820} 1/23/2002
Looks like these were shot on a light table or a sheet of white plex, since the only highlights I can see are from below. Usually glass photos have a lot more highlights.
Deleted User
{K:6775} 12/6/2001
Hey Nathan...this came up on random images...very nice. I see alot of artifacts on this image from compression I guess?
This image makes me want to experiment with glass and mirrors. Trying to figure out how you did this one or was it partially done in PS? Havent see you around lately...miss seeing your pics! *smile*....Maggie
Artie Colantuono
{K:12275} 7/20/2001
On this image the composition is ok, the label on the left glass is distracting...if it's not a label whatever the oval is on the back of the glass....the front glass looses its transparency due to the lack of light and subsequently looses its dimensionality which therefore puts it out of whack with the other two shapes....I would also liked to have seen the left glass in as much of an out of focus state as the back glass...or vice a versa...these two should match....I like the tranlucent and iluminated table top and the way it vignettes.....however biggest thing here is the light on the main glass...worth a retry.....
Deleted User
{K:500} 7/19/2001
this image has impact. I love the interplay of the various shapes and textures.. the selective use of focus adds to the mystery of the photo making the viewer think more about the statement behind the image which I love to do
Chris Hayward
{K:1519} 7/19/2001
Nathan - I looked at this for a long time (so that is successful) trying to figure out the perspective. I guess it is the lack of reference ground or background. The distance keeps collapsing on me and I end up seeing three glasses of slightly different sizes) floating side by side. It makes a neat study of perspective.