Cem Güner
{K:452} 7/4/2006
John Truchon
{K:1557} 7/8/2005
Thank you for the comments. I was in awe while viewing your portfolio...beautiful pictures,excellent work.
- John
Tracey Main
{K:7290} 7/8/2005
Sooo beautiful the colors are perfect, my son is a paratrooper in the australian army he is fortunate like you to travel and get good photos keep up the good work.. Tracey
Getulio Melo
{K:6481} 8/23/2004
Stunning photo!! Great composition, wonderful lighting and amazing tones and details. Excellent!! Regards.
Craig Garland
{K:27077} 8/12/2004
I like it John! You need to update your bio it looks like;>). I think that D100 is going to spoil you and you'll quickly forget about film and scanning-- I did when I discovered good quality digital cameras-- and I shot w/ film for 25+ years. Cheers. Craig
rharyanto photo's
{K:18} 8/10/2004
very beautiful Tulips, excellent
Ernie Basciano
{K:1940} 7/25/2004
Great shot! Lovely composition and colours.
Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 4/18/2004
Superb photo John
Gerry Pacher
{K:7303} 4/18/2004
Dear John, I like your composition very much - it's beautiful.
Regards, Gerry
John Truchon
{K:1557} 4/17/2004
Thanks for the comments. To answer your question, this was taking outside (open air). The light is natural, taken at about 17:45 with the setting sun just behind.
Thanks again
- John
Harry Jasper
{K:2913} 4/17/2004
Ha ha immigrated tulips in Japan. I know that there are tulips exported to Japan. Is this in the open air? or inside a building the light looks a bit unreal. But overall a wonderful picture great colours .
Regards ,
Karla Gutierrez
{K:567} 4/17/2004
wow! this goes into my favourites thanks!
Marco Maresca
{K:14418} 4/17/2004
Fantastic!Splendid colors!!!!!
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 4/17/2004
It is like in Holland I have never seen tulip fields in Japan Can You tell more Great photo Teunis