Ursula Luschnig
{K:21723} 6/27/2004
Not to nowhere...:) this is left to your imagination...to a beautiful place at any rate ;) I also have shotlots of rape fields ,but I don`t want to bore anybody...as I do this now with poppy!I want to add one more poppy.. With kind regards,Ursula
Mats W
{K:31} 6/27/2004
This is nice, very nice. Were does the road leeds? I like this time of year, we have theese in Sweden too. I?ll put one up for you.
Terry McCully
{K:9221} 5/21/2004
Great color Ursula!!!
Burak Tanriover
{K:16610} 5/15/2004
wonderful,I like it a lot.the clouds are excellent.best regards
{K:651} 5/11/2004
Besten Dank für deinen sehr netten Kommentar für mein Foto "Sonnenuntergang auf Sibirien". Du hast auch sehr schöne Fotos. Deswegen habe ich dich zu meinem Friend List genommen, damit ich von dir kein Bild versaeume. Gruß aus Istanbul Alp
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 5/7/2004
wonderful view his is! regards.
Uwe Bachmann
{K:10222} 5/7/2004
schöne farben die du da in einer auch schönen blickhöhe eingefangen hast. was meinst du, wenn du ein stück nach rechts gegenagen wärst, ob man mehr von dem weg (der zudem durch wie es scheint eine rechtskurve hinten einen recht "spannenden" verlauf hat) mit hätte einbauen können und gleichzeitig die etwas dunkle wolke oben links raus bekommen hätte? die zieht mein auge immer wieder in diese ecke des bildes....
vg, uwe
Ursula Luschnig
{K:21723} 5/6/2004
Thanks a lot for your kind comment and the "7".Ursula
altur .
{K:6087} 5/6/2004
Beautiful colors
Saeed Al Shamsi
{K:47735} 5/6/2004
Spring time,the track the angle shot and the lovely sky is of outstanding and beautiful image,Saeed
Ursula Luschnig
{K:21723} 5/6/2004
Many Thanks for your kind comment..i appreciate it very much...and i still have many more reflections:)),but i think ,some variety is needed.Kind regards,Ursula
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 5/6/2004
Although I like reflections, the spirit of May is so strong in your photo, Ursula, that I decided to comment on it and give it the 7 it deserves. Thank you for your comment on my "Hibiscus, detail". Regards, Rafi
Kees and Carolyn
{K:15193} 5/5/2004
Gorgeous! Lovely landscape! I love the colors. Great shot! Carolyn
Günter Koth
{K:13841} 5/5/2004
Wonderful colors and light, Ursula. Nice spring mood. I like your low viewing point here. Excellent work. Regards, Günter.
Pawel Cz
{K:981} 5/5/2004
it looks nicely .. it smells
Alan Armanini
{K:5407} 5/5/2004
Ursula, Beautiful landscape, and picture. I really like the yellows and greens in this shot. Wonderful Work! Alan
Paolo Grusovin
{K:3344} 5/5/2004
wonderful colors