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Die Kleine Hexe
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Image Title:  Die Kleine Hexe
Favorites: 1 
 By: Mary Vareli  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer Mary Vareli  Mary Vareli {Karma:15826}
Project #25 Characters Camera Model Nikon F80
Categories Portrait
Film Format
Portfolio Portraits
Lens Sigma
Uploaded 5/7/2004 Film / Memory Type Kodak  T-Max
    ISO / Film Speed 100
Views 646 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 23 Rating
/ 11 Ratings
Location City - 
State - 
Country - Germany   Germany
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There are 23 Comments in 1 Pages
First Last First Last   {K:6897} 11/19/2004
Beautiful portrait. It's kind of special moment - can't explain it. I like it a lot.


Stefan Engström   {K:24473} 5/21/2004
Mary - I have no idea what you are talking about so I conclude that I do not know what Current 93 is :-)


Mary Vareli Mary Vareli   {K:15826} 5/14/2004
I agree with you my friend, there is nothing bad to The Old Ways... each one chooses his/her own path and spiritual way. I do not take up witchcraft as I do not agree with some things, other traditions attract me more but I respect people who do work with respect to nature (and not themselves) a lot!!!
(so you are abble to know what Current 93is ? ! (??)?!!


Stefan Engström   {K:24473} 5/13/2004
The title makes good sense to me, as it should if you remove any immediate negative connotation one might have with witches.


James Philip Pegg James Philip Pegg   {K:10138} 5/11/2004
Mary, a classic look, like a old masters painting. nice work! -James


Claudia    {K:282} 5/10/2004
Eine kleine Hexe, sehr schön. :) Est ist wunderbar!


Mary Vareli Mary Vareli   {K:15826} 5/9/2004
I always show the secret spots to friends who come to Greece, you see my e-mail so let me know when you come!
Greetings and thanx


Hugh Hill   {K:1618} 5/9/2004
this is a marvel Mary I really like the mood & the way you captured her, the black and white makes this image. (I love it!)

I am so sorry for not contacting you sooner in regards to your request posted in my 'Fallen'image folder, I would like to take you up on your offer and would also like to know that when I return to Greece if you could help me by letting me know of any interesting places for street shots.

Sincere regards



Fabio Keiner   {K:81109} 5/8/2004
and certainly she's knew what's on the stake in former times
very witchy, your witchcraft and very lovely, too


marcus claésson   {K:601} 5/8/2004
I like this portrait and composition.



Mauro  Mauro     {K:5884} 5/7/2004
Your image is so full of poetry. The contrasts and tones give a strong narrative atmosphere. Very good Mary. Kiss.


Aira Manna Aira Manna   {K:11187} 5/7/2004
great angle here, who said witches can't be that lovely?


Gertrud Gozner   {K:14222} 5/7/2004
beautiful portrait!!
congrats. G


B:)liana    {K:30945} 5/7/2004
I like it. I love your B&W. very artistic and dramatic dear Mary!
Kiss, Biliana


Mary Vareli Mary Vareli   {K:15826} 5/7/2004
You must deserve it , if this happens to you!!!
Join my msn community if you wish, 189 artists from several countries tolerating my Cosmos theories!! The address is in my profile.


Carlheinz Bayer   {K:14220} 5/7/2004
Hey Mary! My english isn't good enough to jump into a discusion about this. I just know I met people with giftedness/talents way beyond what we would call "normal".
Cheers! Carlheinz


Mary Vareli Mary Vareli   {K:15826} 5/7/2004
Actually I do not know if she is really a witch... maybe it was a theatrical thing she did,though most people there have a pagan gathering and are really pagans... but since you mentioned it not all witches are old and ugly..I do not believe in witchcraft, it is like having a credit card, have what you want and then pay + a rate!!! Is is for schoolgirls, pupular esoterism, or even a fashion.
"The outside is a reflection of the inside" meaning that what we experience in live is the outcome of our personality's traits. We do not get things we don't deserve. We can always learn even from painful situations, this universal order called "God" by some people follows its rules though it seems to me more like a Chaos Theory.
I can see a blur in the above photo (the second one! Why??? Do I deserve it?? (laughs and disturbed cats looking at me)


Carlheinz Bayer   {K:14220} 5/7/2004
She is just to pretty and sweet to be a witch.
Good advice. I can imagine, that this is was photographers heaven.
Thanks for the explanation! Carlheinz


Mary Vareli Mary Vareli   {K:15826} 5/7/2004
Sie ist eine kleine Hexe!! She is a young witch! I met her in the Medieval Village in Leipzig, during the WGT festival, she makes candles and she is a sweet person. I say this for my German friends here, this festival is a great photo topic, it has anything a photographer would wish to see and people who love to have their photo taken.


Carlheinz Bayer   {K:14220} 5/7/2004
Warum Kleine Hexe? please explain!
Wonderful picture! Great impression. I like the DOF, lighting and comp. I would suggest a tighter crop from the top and some from the RHS.
Good work! Carlheinz


ana ribeiro   {K:21290} 5/7/2004
beautyful composition


liling wee   {K:251} 5/7/2004
very interesting ! :)


**** *****   {K:9527} 5/7/2004
Very good bw portrait!




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