Rodulf Gomez
{K:1243} 11/14/2004
Hi Fred, Powerfull image. Depicts the living condition of the urban poor in the Philipppines. One cannot deny that this is what the majority of the Filipino people are going thru in most of the cities around the country. The Philippines is a very beautiful country, this is one part of it that is ugly, poverty is sickening and you have recorded it truthfully.
Mark Susa
{K:2301} 10/27/2004
A beautiful shot, indeed, but please don't capitalize on your poor, Mr. Pangan. Poverty is all over the world, and very few pictures could be seen of the poor of other countries. Be proud of your people, rich or poor, and so take pictures of their hard work and accomplishments (I'm sure they are very hardworking and have countless successes)so the world will know. Shooting poverty, for one thing, only gives you and your people a bad press that give others the wrong impression.
bart soriano
{K:1660} 9/22/2004
This is great realistic shot here FrEd. Yes, life is indeed "cruel" in many sense. Everybody just have to look at the brighter side of it. Poverty is all around us not only in the Philippines. Rich countries are not even spared from it. A very expressive shot indeed. Thanks for sharing.
Btw, is your name Fred or Fr. Ed if i may ask?
Thank you for your comment on my "Prisoner" - joey
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 9/21/2004
great composition 7
Alvin Mateo
{K:5} 8/22/2004
Fred. Excellent picture. You've captured the cruel reality of poverty life in the philippines. Your picture truly speaks a thousand words.
Maya Bylina
{K:5925} 6/24/2004
Very nice shot!
Gloria Fusco
{K:7054} 5/20/2004
It is so hard to imagine how hard life must be for these poor people. Waterfront in my area, has only the wealthy living on it...so very different. This photo has made me feel very sad...Gloria
a Z
{K:290} 5/17/2004
Excuse, but I do not know English very well!!! Scusa , ma come vedi sono un po malluccio con l'inglese, Ciao Alessandro
{K:366} 5/17/2004
"i modified your image, added some contrast and i hope you don't get offended" that's my personal translation of your message. i like your work and thank you for spending some of your time in making that beautiful black and white image. p.s. what exactly did your message say in english? ciao!
a Z
{K:290} 5/15/2004
Ciao Fred ti invio nuovamente la tua immagine modificata come mi piace, molto bianco e nero e molto contrastata, spero che non ti offenda.
Ciao Saluti

{K:366} 5/14/2004
in sepia...

Mário Sousa
{K:16985} 5/14/2004
fantastic image
Rebecca Raybon
{K:26654} 5/14/2004
Very powerful, and sad.. yet beautiful image. Well done.
John Loreaux
{K:86210} 5/14/2004
Very interesting and kind of sad photo FrEd!Hard to belive people live this way!Then again We have so many people in the usa living in simalar conditions!PEACE! My best to You FrEd,JOHN