I like this a lot -- I like that the vets are looking at us (though yourlens) and through dark sunglasses -- and that one face is in the stars and the other in the stripes -- the flag 'though tattered is flying in the wind giving the photograph the 'spirit it needs -- by overlapping the negatives you have ceated a mystical feeling proper to Memorial Day -- great photography.
B:)liana {K:30945} 5/28/2004
Excellent composite. love it. good vision! Great message too dear Cindi! Kisses, Biliana
Hi Cindi, Thank you for your constructive comments, I appreciate it alot. Especially the "kindered spirits" grabbed my attention, but I think you give me too much credit... Looking at your portfolio, I think your work depicts much more creativeness and experssiveness than I value my own photos for. Yet, that intrigues me, as I feel a need to explore that kind of openness more often.... I find your photos very attractive and inspirational.
The message you are sending creates a mixture of feelings. I think that message is clear. Very clear, and it states no political opinion, but more of a personal ambiguity. The frayed Amercan flag is the key element, IMO.
I like that you "confess" it is not a double exposure, but you could've fooled me, here. Now I know, the frame could've given it away, but I don't think I would've noticed that.
Sandwiching the negatives in the enlarger is definately a technique I would like to try, though. I only think I would've increased the contrast a bit though. I think that would send the message I perceive more clearly. Secondly, it looks as if you burned the exposure on top a bit, which makes the the frayed flag come out more clearly, but the lower part seems a bit underexposed.
Notwithstanding these thoughts (which are obviously of a subjective nature), I think it is a fabulously creative and original photo, and a very elaborate one at that.