Phil M
{K:11526} 9/8/2004
Beautiful :)
Arne Hulstein
{K:367} 8/19/2004
Just came across this shot. Wonderful. Great feeling to it.
André Bermak
{K:14443} 7/2/2004
Excelente modo,ótima captura e composição em P&B!!!!
John Strazza
{K:11535} 7/2/2004
gorgeous gorgeous - thank you for your letter - i will write back in short time... this image is wonderful - everything about it
michelle k.
{K:16270} 7/2/2004
hi athos! i agree with miss paully, i really like your ballet pics
Athos Guedes
{K:745} 7/2/2004
ooohh.. ya know.. its always a honour to get comments from you Lisa :) Love you!
Tolis Elefantis
{K:3550} 7/1/2004
Athos your photos are GREAT !!!!!! Accept my humble admiration for your work. Take care!
Athos Guedes
{K:745} 7/1/2004
havent you noticed my last name? Athos Guedes Degas.. I am sorry :) lololoololoolol
Lisa Paully
{K:1735} 7/1/2004
very beautiful moment. you are a master at ballet photos, always my favorites of yours
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 7/1/2004
Athos Guedes
{K:745} 7/1/2004
Tolis... I saw you portfolio. its wonderful! and somehow I understood why you liked this photo. I?ll apreciate more of your creative and sorted work. Thank you for yor comment. Cheers!
Tolis Elefantis
{K:3550} 7/1/2004
i like your concept, intelligent and beautiful shot!