Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 7/6/2005
Thanks Linda. It was a series of 3 or 4 photos that I did last year. I may pick it up again, once I am done with the Brasil photos...
Linda Imagefree
{K:72276} 7/5/2005
Love your perspective on this one...hehehehe...:):)Linda
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 8/9/2004
Hi Angelo,
seems to be "sandals off"-day =) have been quite often in our underground the last days and thought about your candid series. great idea, btw! lots to watch and capture.
take care, Thilo
Jorge Vasconcelos
{K:33746} 8/9/2004
Londoners at their best... Great series.I was raised in accordance with the British-way-to educate-kids , aiming to became a gentleman.Cultivating the very British "understatement".On the other hand to cultivate French culture.After all this years,I still hate Brittan, as a nation,consider the gentleman, the model of the civilized man, but feel too sorry,WWII totally destroyed England and their way to stay in the world.In London, in the tube,they no more speak English , but a simplified version, difficult to be understood. Regards jorge
Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 8/8/2004
Dear Hugo,
You are probably right. I did not consider a crop for this one.
Thanks! Angelo.
Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 8/8/2004
Caro Marcio,
Se refere às cores e contraste? A única coisa que fiz foi aplicar uma curva que criei, com o controle de "Curves" do Photoshop. Caso queira, me mande "um e meio" (angelo_villaschi @ yahoo.com) e lhe envio o arquivo da curva.
[]s Angelo.
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 8/8/2004
Hi Angelo, It's hot here too. Again, the use of diagonal and floor space / surface balances the composition very well. I still think the one you took in the tube with the wooden floor boards is the best of this series. I do like this creative approach in expressing the time of year and the heat.
About the composition: Although I think the texture on the right is a good element taking the floor as main subject, but it doesn't work that well on the composition of the "legs". I think that is the main reason why I like the other one more, Another reason would be the more extreme approach.
Carmem A. Busko
{K:48785} 8/8/2004
Oi, Ângelo! Sabe que Márcio e eu andamos fazendo umas tentativas assim há um mês, mais ou menos... mas não bem sucedidas, de minha parte, como esta.. To tentando voltar .. depois da catástrofe no meu HD... por enquanto com um emprestado....vou tentar ver todas as tuas fotos.. tenha paciência.. Um abraço! Carmem
Marcio Janousek
{K:32538} 8/8/2004
Ahhh, se minhas sandálias falassem !!
Bonito corte ,gostei também do tratamento utilizado ,o que é ?
Danny Brannigan
{K:19523} 8/7/2004
Another goodun angelo. Pity about the legs of the lady on the left. They're a bit hairy. Oh well it maybe is a man.Well spotted and captured.
André Bermak
{K:14443} 8/7/2004
HA,HA,HA!!!!Se esta calor ai,você não imagina o frio que esta fazendo aqui em Brasília.É claro o nosso "frio",10 graus a noite......
Kevin Collier
{K:19076} 8/7/2004
...rain today and on my bike ride home yesterday -- i need a hot day just to dry -- enough of me -- the details of life most folks miss are the best -- the image here shows the heat just by the placement of the feet -- one shoe off to cool and the short pants all around -- good eye.. k
Maria Luisa Vial
{K:36017} 8/7/2004
Hi Angelo... Great compostion... and a great story to tell about people... Shoes give away much of the personality...