Tim Long
{K:9228} 1/2/2006
I like this alot, Gayle. Excellently antique composition and tone. Your portfolio is so full of your creativity, of Gayle-takes on familiar scenes, of what I might call Eclectics. Keep it up, Gayle. - Things are going well for me so far this year! I hope the same is true for you. Thanks for your kind attention and comments on my images. I really do appreciate it.
Mark Hamilton
{K:8387} 7/25/2005
Nice Art.
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 8/28/2004
Thanks,Marcio..I have Paintshop Pro8 editing program and to achieve this vintage look you do the following: 1. choose Sepia tone 97% 2. Reduce contrast (brightness 38/Contrast -17) 3. Color balance: slide bar to more orange saturation 4.Soften focus and 5. Add Gaussian noise/monochrome 8% ...voila! you have an oldstyle image
Marcio Janousek
{K:32538} 8/27/2004
marvellous efect & old shot Gayle! what efct is this ..how did you use that? Fav n?3
Benedetto Riba
{K:15792} 8/24/2004
Great photo, excellent portfolio.!! Many compliments. Regards, Benedetto.
Efisio Mureddu
{K:13104} 8/22/2004
I saw the comment of Kevin (he never fault) and i'm in your portfolio :) So are u a Coen Bros' fan too!? :) Great movie makers, i couldn't forget Fargo and The man who wasn't here. This image fits well the movie, tones are great and the grainy too, maybe just a littlebit more contrast... anyway this shot goes to my favourites right here right now Ciao Efisio
Neil Dolman
{K:26883} 8/19/2004
Hi Gayle, sorry about the lack of comments recently, going through a bit of a crisis here :( This works very well and i like the "vintage" look you have given it. I haveb't seen the movie so i've now idea what it's about although i do know the music from "Allison Kraus and the Union Station" - that i like very much. Take care Your friend - Neil
Jim Gamble
{K:12164} 8/17/2004
Gayle, very nice vintage shot. Never saw the movie though. Jim Gamble
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 8/16/2004
Dear Gayle,
great title and tribute to this scary movie. don't know much about the mentioned vintage stuff though. the washed out and grainy look strenghtens the age of the pictures, the only thing I don't like that much are the edges of the framing. take care, thilo
Jim Loy
{K:31373} 8/16/2004
That is one of my favorite movies of the past 10 years. Based on the Odyssey by Homer. Ulysses making his way back to his wife. The Cyclops, the Sirens one of the men running for Governor is named Homer. And the man working this ride was an Oracle. "You shall see thangs...wonderful to tell. You shall see a...a....COW... on the roof of a... COTTON house..." Great movie.
{K:436} 8/16/2004
ooooo, I absolutely love this style! Great look and very suited title. I'm not sure 'bout the frame tho - bit too digital looking for my taste.
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 8/16/2004
Am so glad you like this image,Rebecca! Just a thank you for all of your kind support and surprises are fun,huh?..;> ~cowgirl
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 8/16/2004
howdy doody,Christine..thanks for most encouraging comment!..the corners are actually a frame choice in paintshop pro8 and you get to choose the color of the channel..then i played with transparency color fills to get exactly what color background i wanted and it changes the edging,too..gayle
Peggy Christine Skinner
{K:26936} 8/16/2004
Excellent work Gayle. This certainly has that true vintage quality. You could swear you found it in a box in your Grandma's closet and I would believe you. Superb tone and grain and wonderful subject. Perfect dedication for Rebecca. Now please do tell where you got those vintage corners for your frame. I have searched my clipart endlessly to find them without any luck.
Rebecca Raybon
{K:26654} 8/16/2004
I am most honored!! And I love this! This is truly authentic looking! (((( HUGS))))) Thanks so much my friend!!! :) To my favorites asap!