lavendu ...
{K:4882} 10/8/2004
impressive graphic shadow shot!
Gino Quattrocchi
{K:39580} 9/14/2004
beautiful graphic game perfect composition a photo of perfect architecture in the vision that you propose there the b,n is very beautiful!!!! 7+++
boubekeur boukerma
{K:2623} 9/13/2004
Keep in touch Uwe. I like your work very much
Verena Rentrop
{K:15233} 9/11/2004
Fantastisch wie der extreme Schatten seine eigene Version der Treppe erstellt...
Also ich würde lieber auf der imaginären Treppe ins Nichts laufen.
Liebe Grüße Verena
PK- Photos
{K:13099} 9/10/2004
spectaculare shadows, for me this is a BIP!!!
best regards, Pia :)
Trish McCoy
{K:15897} 9/10/2004
excellent. love how you captured the shadows. an award winning shot. love it.
Ursula Luschnig
{K:21723} 9/9/2004
Hi Uwe,das ist einfach perfekt! 7+ Liebe Grüsse,Ursula
Ken Haber
{K:1423} 9/9/2004
Wow Uwe, a real BEAUTY! Fabulous in every way. I took the liberty of trying a different crop. Don't know if you care for it, but I wanted to see the staircase and shadow stand on their own.

Rupert Phillips
{K:391} 9/9/2004
Great use of B&w and wonderful subject.
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 9/9/2004
Hi Uwe,
finde ich fast noch besser als das erste SW-Bild, weil es durch die starken schatten zusätzlich gewinnt. sehr schöne details. der bildausschnitt ist auch gut gelungen.
well done, mate =) Grüße, Thilo
{K:30945} 9/9/2004
wow. wow.. Uwe this is superb! love the structure and shadows. well composed sweety! Kisses, Biliana
jennifer armstrong
{K:6688} 9/9/2004
great shot, Uwe. I love how the stairs themselves just melt into their shadows, to the point that we don't really differentiate between them - they actually become the soft movement out from themselves. And the contrast between that soft, rounded movement against the sharp horizontal lines & blocks of black & white on the top create a powerful dynamic & add to the drama of the piece. This is a fabulous shot...i can look at it again & again...& will!
Lukasz Kuczkowski
{K:14687} 9/9/2004
well spotted
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 9/9/2004
Kim kyungsang
{K:14135} 9/9/2004
wonderful composition, nice expression!
Predrag Sudar
{K:5075} 9/9/2004
great photo, Uwe! Excellent sense for playing shadows! Congrats, Pedja