Christian Barrette
{K:21125} 9/18/2004
A fine moment of relaxation. No other way to convert loosing one's time into immortalizing it. A perfectly centered perspective would also work here.
Sony Kusumo
{K:7190} 9/15/2004
Thank you Stephen (you know I was actually 'working' there...:0 ). Thank you for the "Utterly Butterly" too, it's wonderful!
Sony Kusumo
{K:7190} 9/15/2004
I've brought my back-up battery, LOL!!! Glad that you like it... you know, I wished I could stay at this hotel too. I was actually meeting someone there, and while waited for this guy, I pop up my camera and try to find the scenes.
Lori Stitt
{K:75282} 9/14/2004
Hi Sony,
How shocking!! YOU are out before it's dark! So, your camera DOES work during the daytime also! LOL...just kidding you!
Very nice scene from the hotel. (can't beat the Ritz-Carlton hotels) I wouldn't mind being there right now!
HAVE A GR8 DAY! Lori :)
Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 9/14/2004
Beautiful view Sony, what a delightful place ! The photo says it all - relaxed perfection :-)
Sony Kusumo
{K:7190} 9/14/2004
Haaaa! Masuk sini juga loe.....! Warnanya? Kayaknya sih gara-gara cuaca terlalu cerah, trus gua pengen DOFnya sempit jadi dikasih diafragma lebar (no kecil) dan speed 2500 (kalau nggak salah), jadi nggak gitu bagus capture warnanya.... maklum, masih amatir.....
Rendy Rendratno
{K:442} 9/14/2004
Chon, kenape warnanya kagak muncul ya, kurang kontras gitu? atau memang efek yg loe sengaja biar agak "bluey" tone-nya?
Ritz Carlton ha...I wish I could get into one of those beach front hotels in Bali-in capture myself the same view as yours: Very nice !