Vlad Sournine
{K:2397} 2/18/2005
Sky is fantastic!
{K:5880} 2/15/2005
Hey, it's not so empty! :-) It's beautiful. I like it a lot.
Zoran Lautarevic
{K:1935} 2/11/2005
Great sky,if you could incorporate some land in the shot it would be even better.Maybe.
AJ Miller
{K:49168} 1/27/2005
Thanks Mark. I love the A2. I chose it on the strength of the great reviews it got. The main criticism seemed to be that the controls were plastered randomly around the body, but in practice I find them all just where the fingers expect them to be. AJ
Mark Mahar
{K:3233} 1/27/2005
Great shot, love the angle and perspective. Nicely exposed. How do you like the A2? I seriously considered buying it but decided to wait for a Nikon D70. -mm
Peter De Rycke
{K:41212} 1/9/2005
Superb cloud shot !! Peter
kokupsy_un morita
{K:2651} 12/30/2004
excellent. beautiful clouds pattern and beautiful colors.
giovanni guido marchi
{K:27040} 12/28/2004
bellissima immagine...un cielo da urlo!!! hai un portfolio veramente interessante complimenti
Riccardo Corsini
{K:17796} 12/6/2004
Very very nice sky capture, marvelous, your porfolio is marvelous, thank you your comment for me! Ric.
AJ Miller
{K:49168} 11/30/2004
Thanks Sara - I see you like clouds too! (What's also interesting is I often go to look at a picture that's caught my eye and find it's the work of a photographer I've visited before.) AJ
Sara M
{K:12411} 11/30/2004
Bella. The clouds created a great texture, like a pattern..
altur .
{K:6087} 11/29/2004
WOW... this is a nice abstract in nature. Great texture. Regards, Alex
Mark Sherman
{K:15669} 11/4/2004
Ahmet Baki Kocaballi
{K:13618} 11/4/2004
very nice sky capture, congrats Baki
Alessandro Lavagna
{K:2231} 11/4/2004
Very nice composition and texture.
{K:42404} 11/4/2004
thanks for your answer my friend, not problem about the english and you unsdertand the spanish very well Greetings
AJ Miller
{K:49168} 11/4/2004
Thanks Armando. It was taken with the standard Minolta A2 lens set to 7.2mm (28mm equivalent). Sorry for my lack of Spanish, though I can read quite well... AJ
. Icerock
{K:4873} 11/4/2004
It is really empty picture, but visually beautiful .. ir
{K:42404} 11/4/2004
7+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ increible fotografía, has usado un lente wide angle??? espero que hables español pues veo que la foto es de españa, eres español? o solo estas de paso por alli. saludos desde Peru
Ashley Wallis
{K:447} 11/4/2004
Roberto Okamura
{K:22851} 11/4/2004
Beutiful sky texture! Congratulations!