John Lambiase
{K:549} 12/20/2004
Melanie, time is very critical here. I have been hesitant to shoot anymore pictures of Little Lucas due to that fact that he is not able to hold his head up as of yet. I actaully planned on taking some shots of him today so there will be some downloads tonight I am sure of it.
Thank you so much for asking.
If you would like to talk in realtime with myself or other photographers, I invite you to this websites chatroom.
Many Pros and Non pros there everyday.
Look forward to chat with you
John Lambiase (FLJohn) aka TurboTech
Melanie Reynolds
{K:9096} 12/19/2004
I am patiently awaiting more photos of your son )
John Lambiase
{K:549} 12/16/2004
Ana thank you very much for your comment. This was a fun shot to capture. I only wish I would have more times to shoot with him. He is a truly precious.
Emily thank you so much for your comment as well.
Have a Great Day. Tis the Season.
John L.
Ana Martins
{K:5643} 12/16/2004
Beautiful baby! Love the picture with this soft colours. Makes me feel relaxed! Congratulations and all the happiness for you and your family! Ana
Emily G
{K:320} 12/15/2004
Perfect shot. He is more than beautiful. I think you will do very well as a child photographer. Congratulations on the arrival of you son! He is just precious!!!
Anna Dill
{K:3872} 11/28/2004
I'm doing really well John. Yes it is easy to tell all is going well for you as well. Again Congrats on that cute little bundle of joy. Anna
John Lambiase
{K:549} 11/28/2004
Thanks so much Anna. How have you been friend. I hope all is well. As you can see all is well here.
Anna Dill
{K:3872} 11/28/2004
Congrats on the birth of your son John. Now I know where you have been lately. He's handsome and I'm sure you will do fantastic advancing in child photography. This is an outstanding first portrait. Well done, I really like how you have lit this. Anna
Abeer Al Jarsh
{K:10209} 11/28/2004
he is so cute
Melanie Reynolds
{K:9096} 11/28/2004
Too precious! Congratulations on your new arrival. I love how it is so soft, yet clear at the same time! I love taking photos of babies and children, they are so much fun!