Dale Ann Cubbage
{K:9755} 12/2/2004
Thanks Chris! Yes, it did prove to be a challenge! But that's what made it so fun!! Catching that right moment!
Chris Lauritzen
{K:14949} 12/1/2004
Very nice capture here, I am well aware how hard it is to photograph moving targets (babies).
Dale Ann Cubbage
{K:9755} 12/1/2004
Thanks again Biliana! I really like the B&W too! I'll never be able to choose, and mom will probably want one of each!!
Dale Ann Cubbage
{K:9755} 12/1/2004
Kay, I KNOW!! I guess I'll have to let mom decide! Both are so sweet in their own way!
Dale Ann Cubbage
{K:9755} 12/1/2004
Thanks Steve, I see what you mean. I will have to rework it. I want it too look "real!" I'm so glad you liked them. It really makes me feel good when you comment that you like something! You da bomb!
{K:30945} 12/1/2004
Hm, now I am looking the B&W version, and I think I prefer this one over the color one dear Dale, cause it has more emotions in it! But I like the children shots to be in color of LIfe! Kisses, Biliana
Kay McIntire
{K:11787} 12/1/2004
I vote for the black and white version too! I also get torn between color and bw all the time. The color version has it's valid points too- his blue eyes and pink skin. UGH! Now I am torn between them! ; )
Steve Cubbage
{K:452} 12/1/2004
I like this a lot, except that the blurring up to the neck seems a little unnatural. If it were graduated a little it would feel more natural and I feel, give you the desired effect you were going for. Keep in mind the focal plane and try to keep it natural. The blurring goes past the face onto the shoulder, this could never be achieved in camera so that is why it makes the eye struggle to believe the effect.
This is a really nice shot. These are all nice baby photos. I would keep them all B/W but that is always up to the client.