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Golden Peak
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Image Title:  Golden Peak
Favorites: 1 
 By: Patrick Di Fruscia  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer Patrick Di Fruscia  Patrick Di Fruscia {Karma:486}
Project #33 Pictures of Famous Places Camera Model Minolta Maxxum 7
Categories Landscape
Film Format
Portfolio Lens Minolta 24-105
Uploaded 12/7/2004 Film / Memory Type Fuji Velvia 50
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 748 Shutter 1s
Favorites Aperture f/22
Critiques 17 Rating
/ 8 Ratings
Location City -  Zion National Park
State -  UTAH
Country - United States   United States
About Taken in Zion national Park at around 9AM. My last shot from that morning the light was becoming way too strong so I decided to called it quit. I was still pleased with the results. No need to tell you that a polarizer was used here to make the peak stand out even more and a 2 stop hard ND grad to balance the foreground and background. All comments are welcome. Thanks you for your time
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There are 17 Comments in 1 Pages
David Tasker   {K:4281} 4/29/2007
Thanks for the honesty and detail of filters.
I have looked at your images many times and always thought - oh - I could do that I just need a 2 or 4 stop ND filter and so on. I also thinnk that a lot of your images are underexposed - but O know that is not so - its a technique I use to increase colour saturation = anyway - I am sure you dont need me to tell you that ypu have soke wonderfull images - mine are perhaps more traditional -


Andrej V   {K:6693} 12/31/2004
Amazing work Patric!
great shot.


Tim Donnel Tim Donnel   {K:1072} 12/13/2004
I like the bushes in the forground..colors look natural, and to my taste, adds strength to the overall composition. Kudos!


tom rumland tom rumland   {K:14874} 12/10/2004
pat, this is so good it is beyond description. contrary to james' comment, i like the bushes. unless you've been to the desert it's hard to comprehend how difficult compositions can be. you have taken that usually dull yucca (i think it's yucca) and made it part of this majestic landscape. a part that it rightfully deserves. the use of it reflects very accurately what this landscape looks and feels like. whether the item itself is dull or not, is irrelevant. the fact is that it "is" part of this landscape and minimizing or removing it, would remove paragraphs from the story. i most definitely like your unabridged very much!

take care,


Giorgio Mesghetz Giorgio Mesghetz   {K:6724} 12/9/2004
hai uno stile molto efficace bellissima.


Sigit Prasetio   {K:354} 12/9/2004
clorful and beautiful!


Bart Aldrich   {K:7614} 12/9/2004
Great composition, DOF and perfect full-frame exposure. Superb!


Paul's Photos Paul's Photos   {K:35235} 12/8/2004
I disagree with James, I like the foreground which I think adds the image.. but, the contrast between the darker forground and brighter background may be what is distracting him...I have heard that it is not good to put something in the foreground like this on a landscape.. well, I think it is nonsense..some of the best landscape photos I have ever seen had a object in the foreground.. besides, whenever they create a rule in photography... the first thing to do is to break it.. nice work..


Kasia Koltunska   {K:5825} 12/8/2004
Wonderful shot. Amazing colors. With regards to James' critique - maybe he has a point... I think this image looks great the way it is. The grass in the forefront adds yet another vivid color. However, I think that this image could equally well be cropped just below the base of the mountains - it would still be dramatic - although less creative at that point.

This works for me. Great job!!!!!


Marusnik Bela   {K:11611} 12/7/2004
Great work, excellent colour contrast, perfect realization.Congrats!


          {K:907} 12/7/2004
Patrick, Fantastic! I had a look at your site the other day and found plenty of photos that inspire me! Keep up the great work and best regards, Patrick


Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 12/7/2004
Patrick, your use of the ND grad filter is masterly, as ever, but I'm wondering if a similar effect could also be achieved (with the camera on a tripod of course) by taking two shots with different exposures and then blending them in PhotoShop. ND filters are a no-no with rangefinders like mine... too much guess work.


Lukasz Kuczkowski Lukasz Kuczkowski   {K:14687} 12/7/2004
love the colors and composition here; the light in the background is lovely soft; the only objection I have are these strong dark shadows on the hills - I would like to see there some details


Jeanette Hägglund Jeanette Hägglund   {K:59855} 12/7/2004
Such vibrant have to be in touch with "Natural Geographic"....



Patrick Di Fruscia Patrick Di Fruscia   {K:486} 12/7/2004
Thanks a lot for your great critic.. I really apreciate your time and great comment. I thought that the bushes added great interest specially being in threes but I guess I might of been wrong or it is a question of taste. I really apreciate your time. You seem to know the art really well. Thanks again


James Hager   {K:6285} 12/7/2004
Hi Pat. I checked your bio before giving this critique, so I'm sure you can handle it. I was drawn to the shot by the dramatic light and shadow at the top, and I wanted to find out what was in the lower part of the image. What I discovered was a clump of dull green bushes. The composition is nice, but the subdued foreground doesn't do anything for me with the dramatic background. I like some of your other shots, so I'll go to them now.


Fadel J Fadel J   {K:13974} 12/7/2004
Wonderful angle and colors, and perfect exposure!




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