João F * Photography
{K:41945} 12/29/2005
Paulo estive a ver todo o seu portofólio o que acho excelente.Acho esta entre outras que mais tarde irei comentar fabulosa.Um muito obrigado por ter visitado o meu portofólio e o seu comentário.De agora em diante irei seguir os seus trabalhos com entusiásmo, pois irei colocar-lhe na minha lista de "associates" Cumprimentos joão
Zeev Scharf
{K:25603} 1/24/2005
First, my friend Paolo ,enjoy the new camera Splendid capture here,with the window framing the nice aerial scenery Many thanks for your very kind remark"Sunset in the garden" Best regards
Paulo Martel
{K:2550} 12/18/2004
Santa = anagram of Satan !... Now you know the truth, though I suspected it already ;)
{K:2080} 12/18/2004
Hey Paulo! I tried to soot a picture like that, with Satan, ehm I mean Santa flyig along, but my plane didn't want to cooperate...
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 12/16/2004
a magnific point of view and great balck frame! the aeroplane is perfect and clear.. into the glass!! so nice.. a 30,000 feet the house is little little and the panorama BIG!.. a space to the infinity! take care roby
Paulo Martel
{K:2550} 12/15/2004
I am very happy with it, but unfortunately I have been through a busy period and did not shoot a lot of pictures. But I have some more worth posting, will do it soon.
Regards and tx for your comments and adding me as your friend, Paulo
Affandy M Shaari
{K:160} 12/15/2004
Nice framing. Keep shooting. How's the new 300D. Wish to see more shots with it. - Affandy
Ana Martins
{K:5643} 12/14/2004
ahahahahah! Pobrecito Santa Claus was flying high! Besos, Ana
Paulo Martel
{K:2550} 12/14/2004
Ahahaha... yes, but the poor guy had trouble to keep up with the airplane, the reindeers are bit too slow D
Regards, Paulo P.S.- Have you seen my other picture, "God smiling" ?... It's dedicated to you
{K:42404} 12/14/2004
Paulo; inmejorable composición y fotofrafía, no sabía que habías estado haciendo carreras con santa, hahaha!!
Ana Martins
{K:5643} 12/13/2004
Missing your Ana :O Sure, sure! (estas a dar-me graxa!!!) baci, W.
{K:1453} 12/13/2004
Nice shot, great color, and nice framing