thank you for your nice comments. Regarding the 50mm F1.4, it is a very nice lens, it produces images very good colours. The low F number, together with the sensitivity of a digital sensor allows you to take picture pratically in the dark (candle lights and such), altough the DOF is very shallow at 1.4, making it difficult to focus. The only problem is the 1.6 crop factor in my Digital Rebel - it turns it into an 80 mm lens, which for my style of photography is much less useful than a real 50 mm would be.
Nice capture Paulo, I like the composition in here, and I like the 50mm F1.4 as well, I think this is my next lens to buy, How do you find it btw? Regards,
That would be phenomenal with a tight crop and just your hand and lens and a tiny bit of the background. I like it this way also it's very clever. Well done Paulo.