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Image Title:  Friends
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 By: Mary Vareli  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer Mary Vareli  Mary Vareli {Karma:15826}
Project #22 Friendship Camera Model N/A
Categories People
Film Format
Portfolio B&W
Lens N/A
Uploaded 12/17/2004 Film / Memory Type N/A
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 715 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 31 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City -  Maryland
State - 
Country - Greece   Greece
About The image depicts the idea of true friendship and love between 2 people I love and is devoted to them with all my heart. Tolis and Alex.
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There are 31 Comments in 1 Pages
susan scott susan scott   {K:714} 9/21/2005
This is a great picture. I love people pictures, even more in black and white. Really nice


Mark Tate Mark Tate   {K:1151} 1/9/2005
very good


Mary Vareli Mary Vareli   {K:15826} 1/2/2005
I liked your comment...


happy new year!!!


Carlos     {K:12969} 1/2/2005
the year ended with much brutality but 2005 unfolds with much promise ?
? I woke up this morning and I have a new friend - Mary!


James Philip Pegg James Philip Pegg   {K:10138} 12/24/2004
Friends are angels in old clothes. Mary my friend, have a happy hoilday. Warmly, James


B:)liana    {K:30945} 12/20/2004
Great Friends dear Mary, my dear Friend,
your friend, Biliana


Olga Vareli Olga Vareli   {K:22477} 12/20/2004
Yes, Mary betrayal especially in times of need is even worse.Very nice image!!!


Jeanette Hägglund Jeanette Hägglund   {K:59855} 12/20/2004
Sorry Mary - missed your about.
Agree with you........!



Mary Vareli Mary Vareli   {K:15826} 12/19/2004
This was a sentimental piece of your life..... thank you for sharing this with us ...
a kiss


Mahmoud Baha Sadri Mahmoud Baha Sadri   {K:19634} 12/19/2004
i definately hope that some day Tolis and Alex feel the way i do!
thanks again.


45 years ago!

Roberto Carli   {K:13689} 12/19/2004
Nice tones and composition too,well done!!


Riccardo Corsini   {K:17796} 12/18/2004
Piùche commentarti questa immagine, bel B/N, voglio farti i miei complimenti per il tuo portfolio, molto bello, tecnicamente impegnativo, con delle immagini veramente strabilianti, complimenti!


Mr. M ...   {K:5507} 12/18/2004
Nice work.
It's a great subject and wish.



Mary Vareli Mary Vareli   {K:15826} 12/18/2004
Sure we will be friends, we have procceded further to our communication!! Tolis Elefantis is the left guy in the picture.
Check the mp3s I sent you, I hade them mp3s from authentic audio cds and i did not have time to write all the titles, as the cds are many, so ask me to send them or get them from the internet, you have the titles of the cds. Mainly this is the kind of mucis we present in our events!
Check the song "Eleven" from Ataraxia cd "Suenios" Number 6, it is my favourite song...please tell me how you feel listening to it, there is a reason I ask!!!
i can send you anything else you wish, ia m a collector of this music. A big KISS (and sorry it took me long to send you the parcel, i explained...)


Jeanette Hägglund Jeanette Hägglund   {K:59855} 12/18/2004
C O O L G U Y S !!!!!!!! :)



Verena Rentrop Verena Rentrop   {K:15233} 12/18/2004
we should try to keep friendship even over distance...
it is worthwhile!

my dear friend
a hug

PS: million thx for the delivery, I found it yesterday after a long time away...thx for the chance to be seen with other passionated photographer...


Rodrigo Hernández Salgado   {K:-229} 12/17/2004
I like the expression you caught on the guy at the left.


José Azevedo José Azevedo   {K:9845} 12/17/2004
Hi Mary,

an unexpected image from you. It has an italian photograph style of the sixties that I find very attractive. The contrast, the tilt, the slight blur all contribute to this mood. Great, loved it. As much as i did those images with kids you posted on your return.


Jose Azevedo


Mary Vareli Mary Vareli   {K:15826} 12/17/2004
Oh and something else..I believe that the reason of not saying sorry is pure 100% stupidity!! Clever people are flexible, know how to handle things! No matter how many trees they decorate deep inside (too deep) they know the truth! Have happy holidays my friend!!!
Love and rose petals!!!


Mary Vareli Mary Vareli   {K:15826} 12/17/2004
Happy Holidays sweety!!!Thank you!!


Mary Vareli Mary Vareli   {K:15826} 12/17/2004
Great extract Andrea! Thank you for all the time you put into this. I agree with what you/it says. It is true, humans are humans and they must forgive. Piano Magic, the band, say: "A bookcase can't rescue a man, only a letter of sorry can..." which means that whatever happens a sorry is the best option to handle such a matter (books/letter). Most people find it difficult to apologize,they even try to persuade themselves or others that things did not happen this way, this is what I call "misery" and there is no spiritual evolution for such creatures. I feel sorry for such cases. Anyway my photo emphasises on a true moment between 2 people who are true friends, and this is all that matters!! People have the right to make mistakes anyway!! It is Christmas and nice thoughts come to me! A big kiss!


Mark Drago   {K:10902} 12/17/2004
Mary, very nicely done--nice contrast and orientation


Andrea Falqui Andrea Falqui   {K:5787} 12/17/2004
Your about, Mary, is very interesting, maybe true. Even if a betrayal is always difficult to accept, especially when it arrives in reply to a great confidence or helpfulness...
Hanif Kureishi, a writer I like very much, wrote that "every day should expect at least an essential unfaithfulness or a necessary betrayal. This should be an optimist action, an action of hope, that assures confidence in the future, the proof that things can be not only different but also better". (Sorry for my bad english translation of an italian translation).
I'm not sure of this and if I agree with him... but this is, in any case, a very interesting point of view, a real existential theory...
I think that maybe all need some standstill... For this reason your about is warm and tender in the same time.
Thank you for sharing it.


Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 12/17/2004
excellent portrait of those friends Mary,
great choice of B\W
Best regards


Maria José Barres   {K:11276} 12/17/2004
Great example for the friendship shot!
I like it.
Happy Holidays dear Mary.


vladimir antic vladimir antic   {K:3307} 12/17/2004
There is no biger disappointment of being betrayaled of someone of you do not expect.
Good composition.This photo is like from cover for music cd


super pic and about my dear friend, congrats and God bless you and Tolis and Alex too


Mary Vareli Mary Vareli   {K:15826} 12/17/2004
Thank you my friend, I raised the contrast to give emphasis. I agree it is emotional, I love the image for this reason!! Kiss


First Last First Last   {K:6897} 12/17/2004
Excellent!! Very very nice and candid potrait.


Salvo Valenti   {K:17038} 12/17/2004
fantastica espressione ottima tonalità una bella foto ciao salvo


Geza Farkas   {K:12412} 12/17/2004
The picture brings strong emotional expression. The B&W works well here. Thanks for sharing.




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