Den Thompson
{K:30432} 12/31/2004
you had me goin for a while there Dottie. Over here it was fake furry spiders that put fear into most peoples minds. Great shot. Den
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 12/29/2004
Great shot dottie, I am looking at all your pics, but in order to catch up before New Year - am just commenting on a few - - no I'm not making any resolutions - not promising to keep up or anything silly like that - just like to get straight before New Year - well it sort of makes sense, must be sleep deprivation over the Xmas period - right!!!!! heheheheheh Margaret
{K:20268} 12/29/2004
har har har .... we used to do this too.... but we'd put it on the road at night and tye some fishing line to it, and when the car's headlights hit it , we'd pull the line so it looked like it was moving...... we'd even come out and help look for the 'snake'..... kekekekekkekek love it... luv kel
Dorothy Di Liddo
{K:13787} 12/28/2004
They always did, and as I told Becc, this is a fake snake. Ralistic, but fake. Thank goodness with the way my boys are he'd have gotten bitten, or a friend would have or some other silly thing. Dottie
Dorothy Di Liddo
{K:13787} 12/28/2004
Funny thing about this pic Becc is that it's a fake snake. Rubber...lol Brad was just being a boy & I happened to be there to capture the monent. Lucky me. Dottie
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 12/28/2004
Keeps you on your toes, right? Dave.
Cheryl Ogle
{K:24494} 12/28/2004
I love how the wood pops out! The snake is creapy (though I love snakes anyways). Reminds me of my brothers when I was a weeeeeee little thing.
George Black
{K:102014} 12/28/2004
Ah, yes . . . But a guy's gotta do somethin'! Regards, --George
Deb Mayes
{K:19605} 12/28/2004
Oh, dear heaven, isn't it the truth? And then they want to "share" with you ... lol. Excellent photo, kudos for standing your ground.
Rebecca Raybon
{K:26654} 12/28/2004
Yikes! Now that's a long snake! I would have needed a telephoto to shoot this because I'd have been a block away at least! lol.. Cute capture. Snips and snails and puppy dog tails...huh..