Christine Campbell
{K:2693} 2/13/2005
It looks cozy and inviting!
I should get more b&w film...
Ray Heath
{K:4559} 1/26/2005
hi Tyler, great subject for a series, old, rotten, decay, nostalgia
would be a stronger image if there was more detail in the shadows, and the main subject was sharply focused

Tyler Robbins
{K:904} 1/24/2005
No, no not at all.... They still carry it, they used to also have arista 100 iso slide film that was great. They sell arista in 100, 200, & 400 iso in bulk ... and the arista.edu (I can't tell the difference between the two) It's great stuff and I am not being paid to say that. I shoot other films too, but or the price you can shoot a whole lot of photos!
Mark Beltran
{K:32612} 1/24/2005
It prints great which I'm sure you already know. Freestyle used to send me catalogs and I'd order a bulk roll. When they stopped, I assumed they ran out.
Tyler Robbins
{K:904} 1/23/2005
Wow, really? It's ilford? I'll be damned, My Professor, Cavalier Ketchum just tells his students to buy it, I tred out the arista.edu for the hell of it becuase it was about 14 dollas for 100 feet. Can't go wrong.
Mark Beltran
{K:32612} 1/23/2005
Looks like photographs of London during WWII. Very "Euro" look to me. By the way, that Arista 400 is actually Ilford film. Good stuff. It's got an old-school look to it.
Carla Stephens
{K:3148} 1/23/2005
I will watch for more...
Tyler Robbins
{K:904} 1/23/2005
There are more to come, I have some favorites prints from this series that I need to post, but only 3 a day, good things come to those who wait :).
Carla Stephens
{K:3148} 1/23/2005
Tyler, I have enjoyed this series. Nice composition, this works great in B&W. Regards, Carla