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Chicago River
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Image Title:  Chicago River
Favorites: 7 
 By: Stephen R. Zang  
  Copyright ©2001

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Imageopolis Editors Choice Photo Award

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Photographer  Stephen R. Zang {Karma:1044}
Project N/A Camera Model Canon Elan IIe
Categories Film Format
Portfolio Lens 28-105mm ?/3.5-4.5
Uploaded 4/8/2001 Film / Memory Type Fuji Provia F100
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 5061 Shutter 15 sec
Favorites Aperture ?/16
Critiques 43 Rating Critique Only Image
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There are 43 Comments in 1 Pages
Stephen R. Zang   {K:1044} 1/15/2004
Thank you, Steve. Yes, I can get you a print made if that's what you're interested in. The original is a sharp slide, and enlarges well. Let me know what size you are interested in, and I can get some prices for you.

You can email me at

Thanks for all the comments, folks!


steve schwertfeger   {K:3} 1/14/2004
Hey, this is a great picture !
I work at a local college and have been looking for a picture of Chicago
to hang in my class. Is this image for sale ?


eden tsukahira   {K:6} 12/14/2003


al shaikh   {K:15790} 11/11/2003


Tania Gail   {K:111} 9/10/2003
colorful..complex picture!


Toga Tampubolon   {K:87} 9/10/2003
Great angle and composition, nice night photography


Cathy Barrows   {K:1897} 9/10/2003
great angle on this cityscape...i love how you have it positioned so the roads come to a v at the bottom...for the keystoning of the buildings there is a wonderful and easy technique to fix this in me if you would like the info


Getulio Melo   {K:6481} 9/10/2003
Very beautiful colour and composition! Well done.


LIM CH   {K:1605} 9/10/2003
Strong composition. well framed and lit. excellent work


Diana Cornelissen   {K:26437} 9/10/2003
Congratulations with this editor's choice today Stephen! Good composition and colours. I like the angle you took... it makes me realize how many people are living on such a little piece. My best regards,


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 9/10/2003
fantastic cityscape coors and tones..


Julius Kristianto   {K:184} 8/23/2003
Very nice composition and color(night scene).


Irenka Daniluk Irenka Daniluk   {K:8011} 8/23/2003
What a great shot! Colours and perspective...


ana ribeiro   {K:21290} 8/23/2003
good perspective !!


Betsy Hern   {K:12872} 7/27/2003
Wow, really clean window glass!

Great to meet you guys this weekend, I had a great time, and learned a few things. Made it to Navy Pier on Sunday but not early enough for a sunrise.


G:)nter Hofstädter   {K:854} 7/2/2003
e x c e l l e n t !


Abeer Al Jarsh   {K:10209} 5/26/2003


cyr    {K:63} 4/2/2003
Good shot of work from your viewpoint or live from there??


Dawna G.    {K:7709} 4/2/2003
hey Z... I know I told you this before but gotta say it again "Great Image"!!!! It's hard to believe this was taken through a hotel room window - great job.


Mr. Arrey   {K:11516} 4/2/2003
A nice composition. Well done!


Trevor Tollefsbol   {K:2458} 4/1/2003
This is a great composition/photo! Very nice job.


Matt Hardy   {K:474} 2/11/2003
What great perspective on this shot!


Rose Hooper   {K:899} 1/12/2003
This photo deserves some renewed attention.


jeff lynch jeff lynch   {K:4770} 12/19/2002
Great capture here! I like this view of the river.


Andy Eulass   {K:13435} 12/3/2002
Stephen, next time you have a gathering in Chicago, let me know! I could learn a lot from you folks. This is simply wonderful.


al shaikh   {K:15790} 11/24/2002
I think I will scan my 6x17 slides from this day stephen and post it for you.


Anne E. M. Zang   {K:4135} 10/24/2002
Stephen, this photo is great! Night shots are a challenge and you did a very admirable job here. I hope you start posting your work again soon and often! Perhaps some feathered creatures?....


Stephen R. Zang   {K:1044} 7/30/2002
I feel compelled to comment on this image. For one thing, I couldn't have done this without the expert metering of Mark Meyer, who was present in the hotel room when this was shot. We had a get-together of photographers in Chicago to have some fun, and take some photos. Bill Akata provided the 19th floor room view, and Mark scoped the scene with his spot meter. I followed his direction, and bracketed somewhat from what he said. It was taken through a clean window at approximately a 60 degree angle, and this might have acted as a filter of sorts, I'm not sure. Exposure was at 15 sec, f/16. I really can't explain the difference in the length of the light trails, other than the fact that traffic was moving at various rates. The window may have played a role in the exposure. Thanks for the comments, everyone. This is indeed one of my favorites. {:-)


William R Eastman III   {K:2141} 7/30/2002
Do you do these from a balloon--or from those twin round tower things? This is one of the most pleasant night/twilight images I have seen--and short of sunsets--they get the most attention.


Leigh Woolford   {K:45} 6/6/2002
Having just tried (on a holiday in New York) to get some shots of this nature, I can appreciate how well this has been handled. I particularly like the strong base and the way the road that runs up the right hand side of the image leads my eye to what for me is the centre of interest, namely the lightest building. Was surprised to read that this was a 15 second exposure as some of the traffic is visible. I assume they were stopped at the lights. Very enjoyable.


Samuel Downs   {K:7290} 2/2/2002
I recognized Chicago right a way in this beautiful photograph. I really love the colors and the angle of view.


Lisa Brainard   {K:743} 10/23/2001
Stephen, I see this on the "Editor's Choice" again. Let me again say, great shot! You need to do more cityscapes, you have a good eye for all the elements. And yes (harumph) Provia works well here. (hey get up off the floor, that is only one small little admission from Ms. Velvia!! lol)


Chris Whaley   {K:3847} 8/17/2001
Love the depth lighting and detail...just awesome.


Debbie Groff   {K:9569} 7/24/2001
No wonder this was an Editor's Choice, well deserving. I to was wondering about the 15 sec. exposure?


Helena K Karlsson   {K:23} 7/24/2001
Wow!!! Wonderful photograph!!!!
Really amazing and perfect balance between natural and artificial light!

// Heléna


David R   {K:25} 7/24/2001
This is brilliat Stephen. I wish I had your vision.


Mary Ball   {K:30} 6/11/2001
Could learn something from this image... What I'm interested in... 15 seconds, f16 and no color shifts or overly orange coloration from tungstan lights on daylight film....! Maybe it was the time of day.. Love to know more. The building detail is beatutiful and reflections too.. Were you using a blue filter? Very beautiful shot. Congratulations.


Gina Botelho   {K:72} 6/6/2001
Very Interesting, but can do better tho! ...emage... :)

Seriously that 's a nice shot. What I like is the shape of the river and the angle that you've placed it + the color of the sky compliments the city and water reflections.
Nice balance of exposure on thelights in the buildings and no over exposed shots which I find is hard to balance out. Good Job!


Chris Blaszczyk   {K:610} 5/16/2001
This is a great night shot. I myself was taking some pictures standing on both of these bridges a couple of weeks ago. Nothing came out the way I wanted:) This one has everything I like- great perspective, light and the sky came out great. Nicely done, Stephen!


Joe Blow   {K:1918} 4/27/2001
Great composition. Excellent cityscape.


Rita M. Cleary   {K:195} 4/14/2001
Very nice! I love that blue sky with the golden lights.


al shaikh   {K:15790} 3/29/2001
I know where this room is exactly, great shot.


k m   {K:324} 12/31/2000
This photograph is beautiful. The exposure is right on, and the composition is perfect. The only way I could imagine improving it, is if you had used a PC or tilt shift lens to minimize the converging lines of the buildings.




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