Well, at least the pic with the poster is still here. This pic ( http://www.usefilm.com/image/686429.html ) disappeared completely. How can anybody be offended by a picture of a 100% legal demonstration?
Two kids in London expressing their opinion. It's scary when opinions different from your own can be silenced by calling them 'offensive.'
Summer 2004: Two kids in London protesting against the invasion of Iraq while the guard looks away.
August 20, 2004 Whitehall, London, UK f/2.6, 1/61 sec., ISO-100
I read the FAQ. It doesn't say that pictures of protests are not allowed.
I guess you refer to part 1.5 of the FAQ. The image does not contain nudity and is not obtained illegally. This leaves 'offensive.' The picture records an event. The people on the pic express an opinion which may be different from your own, but that does not make a picture 'offensive.'
:O My comment disappeared :O I can't believe this! What is happening? Be careful with what you post...it seems that there is no freedom of speech in here... I am really AMAZED!