So go the words of a song from the 70's by Fade to Grey: "in the year 2525, If man is still alive, If woman can survive......". The question we might be able to answered unanimously, but let's hope our guess is wrong and peace flourishes, I would love to paint a rosy picture of the year 2525, guess I won't be around, but my seed might be, so I will think positively for mine... and your seed, and try to produce images of health and vibrance in a world of milk and honey, where people from all around the globe consider each other as equals, as friends and as families. The one reason, above all, that I come to this site is that people from all nations are here to appreciate each other, share ideas, opinions, laughter, experiences. That there is no animosity or petty bickering, we are all equal and treat each other with respect and fairness and we all learn and teach. Hopefully in the year 2525 people will have a similar outlet. Lets us all be grateful for the miracle of the internet, the hard work and dedication of the site administrators and for all of you who selflessy give of your time and efforts to bring this universe together for a common cause.
Very creative Cary, like what you've done in the editing process. Great lyrics on the song & indeed I can safely say we all wish for world peace & a brighter future. Thanks much for the comment to my image, best wishes.
Now that was an incredible "about" I couldn't agree more. Must be something about being 52 -- I'm 52 as well! Funny thing, I was reading 2525 as if it were only 20 years away (2025), and I couldn't figure out why you were so sure you wouldn't be here...then it dawned on's 520 years from now! No, guess we won't be here. But maybe someone will dig up this communication and picture of yours and put it on their wall.... It's fantastic. Very eeerie too.
Thanks Don, you are right and something has to give. At least it won't be us (hopefully), but you never know, so we better keep on shooting frames and sharing, good or bad, thankd for the comment, CAry
By 2525 people might all look different than they do now. With the amount of chemicals around things very well could change. Th is is very creative Cary. Nice work. Don.