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lake | of | tranquility -
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Image Title:  lake | of | tranquility -
Favorites: 9 
 By: Uwe Bachmann  
  Copyright ©2005

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Imageopolis Editors Choice Photo Award

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Photographer  Uwe Bachmann {Karma:10222}
Project #44 Shadows Camera Model Casio Exilim P600
Categories Landscape
Film Format
Portfolio Lens zoomlens
Uploaded 2/8/2005 Film / Memory Type 6 Megapixels
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 3412 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 71 Rating
/ 32 Ratings
Location City - 
State -  BAVARIA
Country - Germany   Germany
About aschaffenburg, feb. 2005
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There are 71 Comments in 1 Pages
Michele Beccia Michele Beccia   {K:16550} 12/23/2011
Excellent, regards:)


no longer a member no longer a member   {K:10557} 3/29/2009
Wonderful image, and well deserving of the EC award! It has great composition and exposure, the lighting is really exceptional! Congratulations on the award, very well deserved.

Best wishes... Mike


Jan Lombaerde Jan Lombaerde   {K:1138} 3/29/2009
Thanks to the Editor so I discovered your beautiful photos. This one surely is a top favorite for me, maybe because of the light and the composition looking with that person to the lightful water surface.
Best regards, Jan
hoping you will bring some new photos in the near future...


Umberto Fortini Umberto Fortini   {K:3309} 3/17/2008
Beautiful work!


Mitra Nademi-Nassari Mitra Nademi-Nassari   {K:28234} 9/14/2007


Uwe Bachmann   {K:10222} 7/6/2007
danke schön kasia :-)

thank you kaisa for all your critiques and for joining me on your friends list. unfortunately i am not so much active here on usefilm. maybe i will come back with more photos in august after my summer vacation ;-)

all the best to you!


Uwe Bachmann   {K:10222} 7/6/2007
danke schön kaisa :-)

thank you kaisa for all your critiques and for joining me on your friends list. unfortunately i am not so much active here on usefilm. maybe i will come back with more photos in august after my summer vacation ;-)

all the best to you!


Barbara Socor   {K:13559} 6/29/2007
A gorgeous shot Uwe....wonderful light and very fine composition...a memorable image!


Kerry Nobbs Kerry Nobbs   {K:2800} 6/29/2007
Very pretty shot fits the title well. Kerry


Kasia Koltunska   {K:5825} 6/29/2007
So ein wunderschones Bild!! Truly deservant of the EC. The title is perfect - this really is a Lake of Tranquility and you've captured an amazing atmosphere. Simply perfect!

Also, noch einmal gratuliere ich herzlich den EC!



Patrick Sookiasian Patrick Sookiasian   {K:1350} 6/15/2007
nice shot!


Luigi Andena   {K:3580} 6/15/2007
It compliments for this image from the luminosity/dark of serenity.well done


Ciprian Ilie   {K:13571} 7/5/2006
Sperb play with light and shadows.



Ian V   {K:1730} 6/16/2006
great shot, beautiful detaio, light, shadows, nice toning as well.


Eligiusz Langner  (ennio)    {K:3006} 5/11/2006
hallo, Uwe:) great shot, very nice!


Mahamed Ariffin   {K:7114} 5/3/2006
Perfect shot, Uwe. You sincerely deserve the EC award for this outstanding work.


Majed Jarrar Majed Jarrar   {K:49} 4/26/2006
very good job
i like the direction of light and the glow.


Uwe Bachmann   {K:10222} 4/25/2006
thank you very much julie for your very good comment. unfortunately, i am not really good with photoshop....;-)


A. W. Osnafotos A. W. Osnafotos   {K:6373} 4/24/2006
klasse foto, herr bachmann !!
lg, andré


Julie O'Donnell   {K:291} 4/24/2006
I just love the overall effect of this shot. It has a lovely mood to it and the light on the ground in front of the tree with the shadows is really interesting. But I'm finding it difficult to allow my view to rest on the figure because the bright area at the left of the frame is quite distracting. If you're good with PS then it would definitely be worth bringing that area down to try and put the attention back on your subject, and the lovely subtle tones of the rest of the picture.


Edith Krueger-Nye Edith Krueger-Nye   {K:451} 3/5/2006
Hallo Uwe
tolles Bild.
Ich kann mich gut in diesem Bild verlieren


Tuncay Ugurlu Tuncay Ugurlu   {K:66} 3/4/2006
Correct composition, very pleasant back light, but again the digital is reducing a great picture just to a good one, I mean the noise in the background, the strange texture on the dark side of the front tree etc…


Omar Amroussy Omar Amroussy   {K:4502} 4/13/2005


Arsalan Royaei   {K:3} 4/12/2005
I love your pic.


Leah Kahn   {K:878} 3/19/2005
wow . . . so beautiful


Barry Henshaw   {K:343} 2/24/2005
A good shot but slightly overexposed in places, could be corrected in Photoshop. As this is a digital photo you could take 2 shots with different exposures and then combine on layers to achieve the correct exposure.


Puranjoy Chatterjee   {K:54} 2/23/2005
Brilliant picture, nice mood and lighting.


Alan McDonald Alan McDonald   {K:54} 2/16/2005
I love the lighting and the shadows created from them. Great work Uwe!


Kristina Kohut   {K:49990} 2/15/2005
Oh what a gorgeous light! Looks really beautiful and feels so warming to look at!


Uwe Bachmann   {K:10222} 2/15/2005
thank you so much for your kind words rachel..:-))

you made my day


Antonia BauerleinSehnert   {K:30599} 2/12/2005
Beautiful hit her hair just right, and the tree, the sun, the pensive pose, the shadows, all conspired so nicely to make this one sing.


Mark Beltran   {K:32612} 2/12/2005
Superb range of tones. A bit pixelated for my taste, but just a personal call. Still, a very outstanding photograph.


Rachel Leah Rachel Leah   {K:26110} 2/11/2005
Wow!! Amazing work here! I absolutely love this... it is going right to my favorites! The lighting and shadowing looks amazing and I love the golden coloring! This is absoltely incredible... it looks perfect!!! Excellent excellent work! You are extremely talented! :)


PAUL CZAJA   {K:2563} 2/11/2005
Wonderful use of incident light -- you have captured this beautiful place and human moment extremely well. The soft tone of your photograph also adds to the story.


Mehmet Tüzün   {K:608} 2/11/2005
beauty and tranquility


Femke de Wit   {K:6020} 2/11/2005
Uwe, still congrats with your EC. They were right it's a very beautiful picture. Regards, Femmke


B:)liana    {K:30945} 2/11/2005
wow. Uwe, congratulations for the EC!!! well deserve it ;-)
Kiss, Biliana


deniz kaan copur   {K:12726} 2/11/2005
so calm and peaceful. nice shot.


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 2/11/2005


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 2/11/2005
congrats on EC.. is very deserved it..
the award was in the air!
see you later..


Murat Çabuk   {K:2495} 2/11/2005
The color describes the blues of that woman, and the light fills the hope in her..

Thank you for such a beautiful light and color.


PK- Photos PK- Photos   {K:13099} 2/11/2005
Gratuliere Uwe, habs gerade entdeckt...:)
sehr stimmungsvolles romantisches Photo, super!

Liebe Grüsse,


Hanggan Situmorang Hanggan Situmorang   {K:37833} 2/11/2005
Wow, this is excellent! Great composition. I like the lighting and contrast here. The details are also outstanding. Congratulations for the award..:)


Nour El Refai Nour El Refai   {K:12481} 2/10/2005
the environment is wonderful, and the tones are perfect, congrats


WALT MESK   {K:10691} 2/10/2005
compliments for EC.



Verena Rentrop Verena Rentrop   {K:15233} 2/10/2005
Gratulation mein Lieber :)


N V   {K:192} 2/10/2005
Exquisite Awesome Picture !


Rabat Tabar   {K:3948} 2/10/2005
beautiful image, great use of light


Jeanette Hägglund Jeanette Hägglund   {K:59855} 2/10/2005
Congrats Uwe for the EC award - well deserved.



Ursula Luschnig Ursula Luschnig   {K:21723} 2/10/2005
Moin Uwe,gratuliere herzlich ..und einen schönen Tag noch...


Uwe Bachmann   {K:10222} 2/10/2005
thank you trish and also a big warm thank you to all the others, who enjoyed this one. it would last too long to send everybody a personal thank so i hope it is ok to say this for all together in this post here. thanks again...:-)


Uwe Bachmann   {K:10222} 2/10/2005
tja, da staun her thilo.....;-) sachen gibt's manchmal...danke dir...


Uwe Bachmann   {K:10222} 2/10/2005
thank you fabrizio :-)


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 2/10/2005
*** F A N T A S T I C ***


Uwe Bachmann   {K:10222} 2/10/2005
thank you jennifer :-)


jennifer armstrong   {K:6688} 2/10/2005
congratulations, Uwe! Fabulous lighting - beautifully captured & composed.


Trish McCoy Trish McCoy   {K:15897} 2/10/2005
stunning and very warming peaceful mood going on. congrats on the award. you deserve it.


Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 2/9/2005
Tja, Herr Bachmann.

da prangt der EC! sauber, sag ich!



Ipek ALPAYDIN   {K:4753} 2/9/2005
Great shot
Superb work! comliments for well deserved EC!congrats on the award


Ursula Luschnig Ursula Luschnig   {K:21723} 2/9/2005
Hi Uwe,eine wunderschöne Stimmung mit dem Gegenlicht,ein schönes Motiv und Sepia wirkt toll.


Verena Rentrop Verena Rentrop   {K:15233} 2/8/2005
eine wunderschöne, fast mystisch Stimmung...
kalt, aber danke für die Winter Sonne...
der Baum Schatten vollendet die Komposition...



B:)liana    {K:30945} 2/8/2005
Beautiful lonely scene dear Uwe!


Tomo Radovanovic   {K:12788} 2/8/2005
beautiful scene


Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 2/8/2005
hi uwe,

da sehe ich ne menge stimmung ;-)

klasse tönung, und die bedrohlich hohen kontraste sind ebenfalls gut gemacht. vielleicht einen tick mehr zeichnung in den ästen rechts oben. ansonsten wirklich ausdrucksstark.



Murat Harmanlikli Murat Harmanlikli   {K:7846} 2/8/2005
great, love your photography...regards..


Fabrizio Fiorucci   {K:4871} 2/8/2005
This goes in my favourites! You were able to capture such a melancholic and dreaming mood... very well done, my congrats,


Marcus Armani Marcus Armani   {K:36599} 2/8/2005
very nice landscape, such nice detail, a work of art...


Uwe Bachmann   {K:10222} 2/8/2005
thank you jeanette....thank you very much. it was indeed really cold last sunday...


- - - -   {K:10510} 2/8/2005
i can feel it! very good..


carlo raingini carlo raingini   {K:11977} 2/8/2005
nice lights & capture



Jeanette Hägglund Jeanette Hägglund   {K:59855} 2/8/2005
OUTSTANDING Uwe!!!!!! Such lovely light and tones here and what a peaceful place to be! The light looks warm (even though it?s not) and it also tells about a coming spring. Excellent!





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