Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 2/11/2005
Super shot, Ian! Excellent composition. Maybe a tad more contrast, but that's more a matter of personal taste. Keep up the good work ~ and I hope you can soon get your D70. It's a great camera! Kind regards, Chris
Alan Mead
{K:2020} 2/9/2005
Very nice perspective; I have to agree that the cropping at left top is an interruption of the picture.
Marie Johnston
{K:1635} 2/8/2005
nice shot love the lakes and its quirky bridges and lanes... Marie
David Wade
{K:2123} 2/8/2005
If only!!! Nice composition, a refreshing change from the 'classic' view of Skiddaw from that place. Top left is a bit weird, it's not in a good place to be cropped off though, so I'd probably've left it there as well.
José Vasconcelos Dias
{K:9341} 2/8/2005
Nice foto, the bridge must be very old. Regards