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2nd Amendment
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Image Title:  2nd Amendment
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 By: Cary Shaffer  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer  Cary Shaffer {Karma:9269}
Project #3 The Intimate Portrait Camera Model Canon 300D
Categories Photoart
Still Life
Film Format
Portfolio Lens 18-55mm
Uploaded 2/20/2005 Film / Memory Type Lexar  1GB
    ISO / Film Speed 16
Views 582 Shutter 1/125
Favorites Aperture f/32
Critiques 14 Rating
/ 2 Ratings
Location City - 
Country - United States   United States
About I keep a couple of protection units, this one stod till for a portrait. White main light in umbrella, red accent light in 16" reflector, gold accent light with shoot through reflector. A flashlight was used to illuminate the ammunition.
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There are 14 Comments in 1 Pages
Daniel S. Garcia   {K:13946} 9/29/2005
Awesome! Guns don't kill, people do! For those who are so sensitive to the gun issue, then think of the victims and their issues. Many say that they do not own a gun and have never had a problem. Then you are lucky. I say that if a person is a responsible gun owner then that is their right.

Well done Cary!


Timothy Tanguay   {K:1682} 9/25/2005
Wow, this one gives me the shivers. I hate guns, and what they can be used for, they kind of scare me. I figure that if you carry a piece, then there is more of a chance of a situatino escalating! I prefer my trusty bow and arrow ;) Great shot, i really enjoyed your portfolio, you have a very strong sense of composition. Keep it up, the flower shots are my fav.


Yes toni I understand you. As I told in my e mail here the violence is terrible too, yes I have some Guns, but now here is better dont have
guns because the laws protect the criminal, and if you shot to one even into your home, you go to jail and if the criminal still alive, make you a big trial and they always win because they are protected by the Human Rights Organizations,it seems like we, the honest and common citizens dont have rights :( incredible but really.
For that reason I sold almost all my guns and I go to sell the others to buy a good profesional camera


Antonia BauerleinSehnert   {K:30599} 2/25/2005
Armando y usted tiene mi respecto complitamente. Incluso en mi vida ha habido muchos problemas con los ladrones. Una noche dos hombres en un coche intentaron sostenerme en el gunpoint, Funcioné para mi vida y me escapé. Otra noche desperté con un hombre en nuestro dormitorio, intentando robar el dinero. Grité y grité y él funcionó hacia fuera. Hemos tenido tres coches robados delante de nuestra casa. Hemos tenido muchos robos en nuestros hogares. Había las amenazas constantes de la bomba donde trabajé (en edeficio World Trade Center en Long Beach). Ha habido los alborotos terribles donde me senté solamente en terror en mi sitio vivo esperando que no alcanzarían mi casa. No tenemos un arma, pero pienso a menudo que sería agradable tener uno. Se desalienta aquí en California, pero pienso que está aprobada. Era apenas irónico ver el cuadro de Armando, y ése es todo lo que signifiqué. No se preocupe por favor. Este comentario es para hacerle el claro qué pienso. Abrazos.

You and Armando both have my respect. I've had many problems in my life where it would have been nice to have a gun. I have stood in the street at gunpoint, awakened with a robber in my bedroom, had many robberies inside my home, three cars stolen from in front of our house, had many bombthreats at the World Trade Center in Long Beach where I worked, and sat in terror in my living room during terrible riots. I've had terrible recurring nightmares as a result of all of this. Gun ownership is discouraged here in California, and we are not accustomed to seeing them, but I am far from horrified. Hugs. Antonia


Cary Shaffer   {K:9269} 2/25/2005
Yes Toni, there is irony all around us and without making any political commentary, this image was posted knowing full well that it would raise controversy, that is where truth lies, buried in contoversy, so let the truth rise from the smoke and ash. Thank for taking the time to search your feelings and make an expression, a verbalization, you might be suprised at how you look at other things that you have may have avoided confronting even though you might have always wanted to. At my age many things have changed and so has the way I view the world and the way I interact with those around me, I find myself listening to the other side and agreing to their right to have their opinion, peace be with you, Cary


Antonia BauerleinSehnert   {K:30599} 2/25/2005
Mi reacción: Veo la mirada de muy interesante; es notable para la composición, brillo, color, humor - extraño tan; no se lo que para decir tan mirada en los comentarios, veo que primer uno y recordó que éste tiene verdad la capacidad de ofenderse (piense... uh oh, aquí vamos); leído más lejos... veo el poste de Armando. ?Apeno sobre bajó de mi SILLA! Armando es una persona dulce, sensible -- a menudo fijación de imágenes sobre el ironies/atrocities de la vida. ?Demostración de SU arma! Honesto, es todo tan estranga.. No hay juicio aquí... apenas que goza de la ironía.

My reaction: I see the's engaging..go look; it's remarkable for the composition, glitter, color, mood - strangely so; don't know what to say so look at comments, see first one and am reminded that this truly has the ability to offend (think ... uh oh, here' goes); read further...see Armando's post. I just about fell out of my CHAIR! Armando is this sweet, sensitive person -- often posting images about the ironies/atrocities of life. Showing of HIS gun! Honestly, it's all so bazaar.. There is no judgment here...just enjoying the irony.


Don Loseke Don Loseke   {K:32503} 2/21/2005
You have some pretty heavy duty protection. Very creative lighting and effects. Don.


Cary : No, looks like , but is a taurus 9mm pt938 stain stell, 16 round


Cheryl Ogle   {K:24494} 2/20/2005
Very nice shot Cary. You make the gun seem personable here. I am not a gun fan but I'm fascinated by them all the same...not sure what that's about. :) I know guns are only as dangerous as the person holding it.
I love the scarf you used and the colors you chose to highlight the frame of the gun. Thanks for your comments elsewhere.


Cary Shaffer   {K:9269} 2/20/2005
Nicely done Armando, Sig 9?


Cary Shaffer   {K:9269} 2/20/2005
Thank you for the comment Jaap, I appreciate your viewpoint and do know that commandment. It is good that you speak from the heart, This one is all about emotion. You have a wonderful portfolio, please check back from time to time, CAry


Cary Shaffer   {K:9269} 2/20/2005
Hello again Armando, thanks for your comment. Yes, you are observant, a .44 mag, 6 1/2 ". I Thought long and hard about posting this one knowing full well the controversial nature. But, that's what life is about, controversy, emotion, debate. This sybolizes many things, to some it is strength and safety, to others it is danger and defiance. However one looks at it, it is engineering beauty and indeed strong imagery. I would like everyone to tell me not only how they feel about the photo, but also the emotion it evokes, CAry


Super pic and effect, it is a Ruger??
I take some pic to my toys too
here I ad you one.
congrats and God bless you


Jaap Poot   {K:7926} 2/20/2005
think about the tenth commandment, thou shalt not kill




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