This is the summit of Mt. Mousilauke in New Hampshire, subject is my younger brother who happens to look almost identical to me, therefore throughout the entire trip I was able to take what appear to be self portraits while snapping the shutter all the way, quite cool actually! (Think about it) hehe. At first we we're a little annoyed about the thick cloud cover, and many people were heard to say "there's no view", but all they had to do was visit the other side of the mountain and great views were there to be had, as well as the benefit of soft lighting. All I did was meter the dirt or rocks or whatever and snap away, medium is as medium does, momma always said. It works well for me, most of the time, and otherwise the tones are clipped somewhere or another anyway~
Nice alternative to the posed shot on top of the mountain. I like the action the arms in the air provides. Yes, great exposure for all tones. Where was this?
Hi Terrence..Finally made it to the top..Free at at last. I want to say I see several different tonal areas in this picture and you exposed it well. Was it self timed or did a friend take this for you?