Gil Draper
{K:3194} 7/12/2003
Hi David, you asked what program I use. PS almost exclusively. Sometimes I oversharpen before uploading, expecting that it will lose some sharpness in the process. Doesn't always happen. sometimes I receive comments expressing that an image needs sharpening. Perhaps some of this is due to the equipment each of us uses. Hard to tell. thanks for your comment on mty Tibetan Mother and Children. More will follow. I note that you were there climbing. I was with a tour to Llhasa. Fabulous experience. I wish I could climb Mountains, however I can't look down from heights. Your climbers look happy. Nice shot and a long way up to get it. Everything works. Gil
Sabine Stiebritz
{K:94} 2/25/2002
Cool shot! I'm just back from skiing and views not unlike like this - makes me want to be back in the mountains ... really like this and would love to see any others like it!
Samuel Downs
{K:7290} 2/24/2002
Dave, what a grab. Cool shot. I guess I don't need to ask if it was done in the studio - do I? :-)
Chris Whaley
{K:3847} 10/31/2001
Balls Dave....i get vertigo just looking at it...I love adventure shots like these...how long was the expedition?....and if you haven't read it check out "Points Unknown, A Century of Great Exploration". Fantastic book with excerpts from diaries on some of the greatest expeditions...this shot would fit well....great job.
Daniel Seiden
{K:10} 10/30/2001
Great shot..Makes me feel like I am there looking over the edge. Time to go grab the climbing gear.