Thankyou, Jenni. Spruce grouse are surprisingly docile, trusting camouflage over flight instincts. Thankyou for pointing out the missing feet, I didn't even notice I had cropped too tight. I believe they are in shadow and don't show up anyway on the original, but here it looks a little odd. Cheers.
Awesome colours Dave!! I miss the grouse's feet though. Do you have them in the original photo? If you do, maybe the picture were even more balanced if you did not crof the bottom so tightly. How did you manage to get such a great picture of the wild bird? Do you have a very long lens?
Wow! What a capture! The colours are amazing and the sharpness of the grouse really stands out. I'm betting you could get fairly close to this guy to take a shot, as they aren't the smartest birds out there (I've almost driven over a few in my truck because they don't get off the trail!) You even managed a catchlight in its eye... great job!
Hi Dave, I think this image is great, surprised it hasn't had more comments, I guess it's too camoflaged! The colours of the foliage are gorgeous and the use of DOF shows the bird up beautifully. The plants infront of the bird and above the birds head give the image a true "I'm hidden" message, while keeping the bird's head (and of course eye) clear. Were you wriggling along on your belly? :) My only question is the bottom corners of the image, are there things there that are man made or has my eye been tricked? That said I didn't notice for a while, only after looking for a bit I found them a bit distracting. Cheers Chris