Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 4/29/2005
hi tony,
great subject and very different treatment here. good handling of the whites, and I really like the soft look. gets an almost surreal loke.
best wishes,
Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 4/22/2005
mmm thought so. for a while there the first thing I did was grab the levels dialogue and strecthed out the bell curve to cover the whole range till I borrowed a friends lens extension that produced awesome definition within diffuse restricted tones. Guess I thought wide range would be wider expression How wrong was that. a simple button can lead you so astray. I've had quite a browse haven't I? Been fun. Honestly I'd punt it onto the graininess for effect thing.
Tony Smallman
{K:23858} 4/22/2005
Thanks for all your comments Ian,I'm glad you enjoyed this shot,I had fun last Sunday in this Olive Grove of ancient trees that I discovered 3 weeks ago.Once in phtoshop the main problem was in stopping the clouds from completely blowing out.I got the highlights into the clouds by using the dodge tool and then went into channel mixer and diffuse glow plus,I think,a little extra noise and then some burning in.So,yes,I did avoid total whites and worked around the image in a very selective way.Regards,Tony
Ali Naghizadeh
{K:19600} 4/22/2005
Great shot Tony .. beautiful composition and contrast .. the grains add alot to the Image ...
Well done and congrats, Best regards, aLi
Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 4/22/2005
could put this in the "graininess for effect" project and would be a b.i.p. I reckon. Some magic achieved here in the merger of the sky with the upper fronds, really cool grain in that sky to go with your diffuse hilights of the leaves and the finer black bits with no leaves. More I look more I see... technical question... have you avoided total whites here? I mean are the hilights mostly light grey? could be this subdued but still standout hilights really working well
Ayse Altan
{K:3905} 4/22/2005
Nice shot.