George Roukis
{K:209} 5/19/2005
Gayle this is such a great shot. Makes me think back to when I was young. Has that "remember when" feel asbout it like many of your photos. They make you think as they have purpose and aren't just good to look at.
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 5/16/2005
oh yeah,and the "whirl as if it's in the air itself" is my "potion" mentioned in the about! ;>
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 5/16/2005
yeah,it was difficult for me to leave it alone at this pt. since i do love my bold,and dark contrast levels...i think some of Sudek's work looks like sepia toned holgas and so maybe i will come close to at least the atmosphere i am seeking with my work...
Mark Beltran
{K:32612} 5/16/2005
There is a hidden circle, a whirl, as if it's in the air itself. I've seen Sudek's work. It's incredible stuff, considering he was doing it way before Photoshop. What I find interesting in this photograph is the near absence of the higher key tones, like zone VI and upwards, and still it gets through somehow.
Yutaka Itinose
{K:22586} 5/14/2005
Nice image evoking good subconsciousness wthat couldn't express with signs or mark.Thanks.
Kamran Bakhtiari
{K:24048} 5/13/2005
great sense,lonly and dark
Dorothy Di Liddo
{K:13787} 5/13/2005
awesome photo, and the about... well, don't we all dream of that! Dottie
Terry Ward
{K:-926} 5/12/2005
Absoutely wonderful Gayle, T
- -
{K:6282} 5/12/2005
Hi Gayle, the iris really works here - makes the branches spiral somehow - as does the toning. If I miss anything it's some occurence of the light end of the grayscale: the same darkness overall as it is now but with some oumph in the shiny high-lights on the branches and berries. But I'm not sure, have to see it first. But I really like mood and coppery treatment. Allt the best /Hansi
Mark Julian
{K:36866} 5/12/2005
.....not easy walking up to total friends these days (never know what agency they're with) - LOL (kinda). A Josef Sudek fan - BRAVO !!! He was one of the BEST (glad there's a few around here who know about the great classic Photographer's in these days of the "New Photography". I think ALL the great ones are now dead with HC-B and Avedon leaving us) Anyway, very nice work here - very moody and dark. Has a strong feel to it. Like it a lot, Mark
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 5/12/2005
funny you should say that about the lone figure as i have been thinking about how to get a lanky woman to pose for me outside in exchange for some casual portraits that i wouldn't post on UF...still looking...not easy just walking up to a total stranger these days!..LOL
Francisco N-G
{K:28728} 5/12/2005
Oh, Gayle! This image is so poetic and evocative of happy springs, colours and rejuvenated verdure. I like the burning and vignette. Perfect DOF to achieve an expressive mood.
Rebecca Raybon
{K:26654} 5/12/2005
When I first opened this, I half expected a lone figure to be standing in the distance, which would have made this unbeatable! Still and awesome image, The mood it projects is excellent. Very well done, dear Shameless :)